D5 - Bass Tub

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D5 - Bass Tub

Post by dinghyfisherman »

Actually, I haven't started the build yet. I ordered the plans on the the 7th and received them on the 11th of Feb 04. I've been reading and rereading them. This is my first attempt at building a boat of any kind. I'm looking forward to the experience. I plan to build the D5 and power it with a 2.5 mercury.

wish me luck...

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Post by fishingdan »

No luck required. You will do fine. You will make mistakes and you will learn from those mistakes. When you are done, you will be a pro. Oh, one more thing....You will have a great little boat for fishing.

Take your time and enjoy the process!


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Here's what's happened so far...

Post by dinghyfisherman »

7 Feb 2003

I ordered the plans for a D5 pram online from bateau.com $35 + $5 shipping.

11 Feb 2004

My plans arrived today. I’m hoping I can start buying my wood within the next day or so.

14 Feb 2004

I bought some polyurethane adhesive, clamps, chip brushes, latex gloves. I already had some 1/4" birch plywood from another project. It’s not 1/4 true, but I think it will work. I traced out the sides and cut them out. Justine, my daughter, helped me with the bottom pieces. I hope to get some 3/4" birch ply soon for the frames and transoms. All I have is for funny looking pieces of wood, but they look cool to me. I'll probably post pictures with the next posting...

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Post by dinghyfisherman »

15 Feb -- I bought a sheet of 3/4" birch and 3/4" exterior grade today. I'm using the birch for the bow and stern transoms and the seat bench tops. I cut the transoms. Plan to cut the frames from the exterior grade ply tomorrow. After fishing that is. My daughter and I are taking our canoe out to Guana Lake first thing in the morning (weather permitting), hoping for a Red Fish and the ever illusive speckled sea trout.

Once I figure out how to post a pic, I'll give you a visual on our progress...

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Post by dinghyfisherman »

Here's a link to a progress pic


Justine's a nut...

We tried to fish this morning, toooo windy... Almost flipped the canoe... That's what I needed. Just a little more motivation to finish the Bass Tub.

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Post by DaveD »


I don't think you should stick your boat together with poly... adhesive. Its against the rules. AND it will come unglued, really!


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What? no poly?!

Post by dinghyfisherman »

Thanks for keeping me in line. Back to the store I go...

Thanks again,

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Post by tobolamr »


poly will just come undone. Gotta have some real epoxy :wink:

I think the small boat kit available at boat builder central would do it...

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Trim to fit???!!!

Post by dinghyfisherman »

:help: Okay, first problem... I guess I'm lucky, I can't finish the seams anyway. Every part was "measured twice and cut once", so I'm very confident my cut pieces are true to the plans. BUT... The bottom seems to be too big!? About 1 inch on length and 1 inch on width. Do I just "massage it into shape" or trim to fit? Since it looks like I'll be waiting for a few materials, I've got plenty of time to work the issue. Which way do I go?


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Post by AMStoehr »

Is this 1 inch excess present even when you have the bottom stitched on? Or is this just from eye-balling it when you lay the bottom pieces on the frame? If the latter, it may simply be that you aren't allowing for the curve. If the former, seems to me you should trim.

When I built my D4, there were mostly gaps between pieces, except at the front corners where I think I had a tiny bit of excess, but because it was so little the beltsander took care of it in no time. Sanding off an inch all the way around, though, would be a different story.


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