1. To actually build a boat - Well, I'm doing that.
2. To see if I enjoy the process and decide if I want to tackle something bigger - I'm having a great time and already thinking about the next one.
3. To learn how to sail - We'll see about that later. And,
4. To learn about boats since I've never owned one - I'm learning, but...
Here's my question. Cutting of panels and stitching went well until I got to the bottom panels at the bow. No matter what I tried I could not get the last 3 inches or so to pull together. I even cut all the ties better than half way back and started again loose and gradually pulling them together. Still no success. Finally I decided that I had simply not marked and cut the panels correctly and I began what seemed like judicious trimming and cutting until they finally pulled together. Looked good to me.
When I stepped back, however, and took a look at the overall shape of the hull I had to wonder if my trimming hadn't changed the shape more than I had realized. Was it still a V10?
I've compared my boat to the plan drawings and it seems that my bottom panels are meeting the side panels at a lower angle than is shown in the plan drawings. To my uneducated eye it looks okay, but I know nothing about hull design or how it affects boat performance. As I said I've got modest expectations. I want to use it for rowing and sailing on a protected inland lake in western Michigan. I'm not looking for perfection or high performance but neither do I want a boat that will fight me rowing or sailing.
I've attached a couple photos. Take a look. What do you think? My tentative conclusion is that it's fine and I should be on to the filleting.