Cape Man's Dory

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Re: Cape Man's Dory

Post by fallguy1000 »

cape man wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:09 am The boat is anchored on a loop system with a shackle to the bow. It's a snap to pull it in, unhook the boat, and run a bait out 100 meters. I use a piece of panty hose with at least a kg of sand in it for weight tied just above the wire leader. The panty hose tears open when a fish is on and dumps the sand.

We have also caught large sharks within short casting distance from the beach which makes you think when swimming or bathing... :?
I’m close but too damned daft to understand.

Boat is out on anchor 300 yards offshore. Rope is all the way into the beach, or two ropes?

You pull the boat in and the other line takes the bait out attached to fishing rod.

Then how does the fishing setup release from the tow line?

Thanks for any. I don’t think I can keep a boat 300 yards out, but maybe a buoy..
My boat build is here -------->


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cape man
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Re: Cape Man's Dory

Post by cape man »

Getting in the boat is easy with a loop anchor system and then we carry the bait out and drop it.
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