MI 12

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cape man
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Re: MI 12

Post by cape man »

Totally missed this one. Wow! She's a Beauty!
The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before - Neil Gaiman

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Re: MI 12

Post by gonandkarl »

Hi PapaDave,
We are still waiting for Your report of the splash. Please keep us informed how the first rowing was and if possible with a few pictures. Once more congratulations to this beautiful boat.
Greetings from Karl
All pictures of Micro Petrel AD14 and FS13 :


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Re: MI 12

Post by PapaDave »

Been gone for some time. The MI 12 was splashed but my oars were certainly too long at 9 feet 3 inches. I need to build a set at 7.5 feet oars and go out again. The boat came in at 110 pounds including oarlocks. I ended up mainly using 12 oz. biax tape and cloth so I believe that this is the reason for the higher weight than designated in the plans. She moves along easily in the water and is very stable.

On another note, I just returned from Colorado and Utah rivers in the solo dory and had a great time beating up the little boat a bit.

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Re: MI 12

Post by ks8 »

Nice! 8)

If there were 72 hours in a day, I'd fill it! All these completed beautiful boats, and I've got this deck to fix, and this lawn to mow... :lol:


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