Thank you. While I am waiting for my Marine mat order, I was able to get the USCG safety check completed. This morning I took her for the maiden voyage...It was interesting.
One thing that I found was that the scupper hole made it rather tricky during trailer launch at the ramp. As the boat was backed down and then backed off the trailer, the reverse gear combined with the bow being held up at the trailer, resulted in a LOT of water being brought onboard. This was with just me on the boat. I took my buddy along with me and I think at a combined 400 lb, we were running heavier than I would have liked. For future trips, I will most likely keep it to just myself and my kids (300 lb total)
Overall, I'm very happy. I can't wait for it to warm up down here and to get out into the flats/marsh. I will post another update once the marine mat comes in.
A couple of things I am going to figure out:
- A better tiller extension, the Helmsmate once I'm use feels very flimsy
- Check/flapper valve at the scupper. I wonder if I can have a rubber flap on the outside of the scupper to act as a check valve to stop water from flooding the sole during launches and when I'm sitting towards the back fiddling with the outboard. It would not impeded the scupper hole draining the sole.
- Trailer mods.....I need to get a spare