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my son and i just started putting the moles up on the strong back, every thing is going great so far ,it looks like snaproll is just ahead of me, with a little luck i can learn something from his posts, i hope he does not mind . too hot to work in boston today and too windy to go fishing i will just have to start drinking early today it's friday [/b]
capecod1 wrote: i will just have to start drinking early today it's friday [/b]
Just dont mess with the ratios of the epoxy. I know how mixing ratios tend to get stronger as drinking progresses. Increasing the epoxy ratio will result in head aches of another sort. Cheers
Well, "Capecod1" finished his CS23 a few weeks ago. he sent some pictures, which I have uploaded. Here are a few pictures, below is a link to the gallery to see more ...
Is that a production motor bracket or something he built Joel?
Yours Aye! Rick "It's not the boat "you built" until you've sworn at it, bled on it, sweated over it, cried beside it and then threatened to haul the POS outside and burn it!"