splashed the nc16 for the first time

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splashed the nc16 for the first time

Post by Leigha »

Hi All.. Today was a very fun day,, splashed the nc16 for the first time!! It handled wonderfully. I would have taken more pics but the camera batteries ran down! Will take more pics tomorrow when we put it in the river again!

I was amazed at how stable it is in the water.. When rocking it for the first few times, it seemed like it might tip over easy but about the time the waterline reaches the rub rails it wants to set back up… it wasn’t long till we were on our way up the river…

It paddles great and rides well,, I think I over did it for the first trip.. Not sure just how fat we went up the river but paddled for about 4 hours then turned around and came back.. My son 9 years old wasn’t very much into paddling after the first hour but on the way back he really kicked in there and helped out… I learned it makes a big difference when 2 are paddling about half the force to paddle!!

After stopping for a short swim, we went fishing,, again the boat was very stable!! Jimmy weighs about 100lbs and was able to climb in the boat from the water while I was sitting in the back leaning to the opisite side. …

When my arms were about to fall off! I did start thinking I wonder if there is a way to install a small prop connected to peddles like on a bike…
I can ride a bike much farther then I can paddle at this time!!!!

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful help and tech support!!

Have a wonderful day, Leigha
http://gallery.bateau2.com/thumbnails.php?album=509 there are 2 other new pics with this group

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Post by jeremy »

Congratulations! It looks great.

Congratulations on getting your boat in the water. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

So, what's next?

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Post by Laszlo »

Congratulations Leigha!

Today you are a boatbuilding expert, qualified to offer advice, encouragement & tips to newbies.

It's a good feeling to get it in the water, isn't it? Were there any spectators around? If not, just wait until you get some. They'll be asking all sorts of questions. After a while you'll just have to be firm, get in and start paddling.

As far as foot-powered drives, the Hobie Mirage Drive http://www.hobiecat.com/kayaking/miragedrive.html is probably perfect for that boat except that:

1. It'll turn it into a 1-person boat
2. It's $500

But if you want to spend more on the drive than on the boat, it'll do the job. Alternatively, be patient and your muscles will build up.

Congratulations again, good job.


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Post by Greenpony »


Congratulations! I can't wait until I can splash my Chenoa. Did you catch any fish?

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Post by Cracker Larry »

Very nice details :!: How did you put the emblem on the breasthook?
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Post by Leigha »

Thanks for all the compliments,, the final touches will be a winter project… if I can keep it out of the water long enough to dry out!! I’m not happy with the inside seams as they were my first ones and are very pronounced. I was wondering about a very thin wood vainer glued over them to keep the wood grain finish? The outside will sand out well!

We went out the last 4 days in a row! Some of the areas were rocky so this morning I did a good inspection and only found a few scratches.. They were very small. I was impressed as to how hard the epoxy coating is!

Jeremy, yes it’s a wonderful feeling and as to what is next!! Think ill need to get a job to support my boat building hobby now!! I’m not sure which one ill build next but will be another canoe.. I learned much with this one and can do a much better job on the next one.

Be sure and erase all pencil marks.. I didn’t do that on the bottom panel and one of the rub rails has a 2 on it under the epoxy!

Laszlo- yes we had many complements on the boat and I pointed the9m all to the Bateau web site..
One of the funniest reactions I got was from a guy in a pickup truck at a red light,, as he was starting off I saw him look and went WOW and almost went off the road!!! Thanks for the link but after looking I agree, I will build up my arms!!. I found a message board where some people had used a weed eater for a trolling motor but seems like that would cost more then just buying a small trolling motor!

Steve,, it wont me long and you’ll have it in the water!! Yours is looking great and coming along quick!

Larry, the pic with the bear on the on the breast hook is not my boat.. (wish I had the skill to build one like that) but it was done by a 81 year old woman named May Mento of Bearwood Canoe company http://users.vianet.ca/~bearwood/pages/minto.html A very wonderful brief story about her on the link.

She became so good at it, that when her brother Bob sold Minto Marine and she decided to retire, too, the new owner begged her to come back when he realized he'd never be able to build an order of 12 canoes over the winter. She was 66 years old and those canoes were ready by the spring……

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Post by ks8 »

Leigha wrote:Be sure and erase all pencil marks.. I didn’t do that on the bottom panel and one of the rub rails has a 2 on it under the epoxy!
Or... do it with a purpose...

I have half a dozen *identifiers* marked on the wood, now under glass and primer and paint, for proof of ownership. I will be applying for the hull ID shortly and will also *hide* that number under glass and paint in several locations, in addition to the legal display position (of course). If it gets stolen and a new HID is assigned, say, in another state, all I need do is sand off some paint in key locations to prove origin, and point out the photos on this website. :wink:

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Post by tech_support »

Very Nice Leigha, congrats. :D

You should be proud to have such a nice finish on your first boat.

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