PH18 - Getting Started in LA

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PH18 - Getting Started in LA

Post by Muddler »

LA--Lower Alabama

I purchased the Plans for the PH16 and my bride concluded that it needed to be bigger, so here we are ready to make the Plywood and Fiberglass and Epoxy kit purchases and I need to have a few questions answered.

In the plans on the page titled "Lamination Schedule" Step 2, "Fiberglassing the side is optional." My questions are:

1-What is recommended by the builders, cover the sides inside and out or not? Obviously it would be stronger.

I have read that there is not cloth in the Kit for the sides.

2-What would be an adequate amount (additional) for covering the sides?

3-Is there enough FG and Epoxy to cover the console ( could not find that information) or should I get extra for the console and how much is recommended?

Well this should get me started, I got the garage clean so I need something to put in it.

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Re: PH18 - Getting Started in LA

Post by jacquesmm »

See below:
I purchased the Plans for the PH16 and my bride concluded that it needed to be bigger,
You mean larger? Like the PH18?

so here we are ready to make the Plywood and Fiberglass and Epoxy kit purchases and I need to have a few questions answered.

In the plans on the page titled "Lamination Schedule" Step 2, "Fiberglassing the side is optional." My questions are:

1-What is recommended by the builders, cover the sides inside and out or not? Obviously it would be stronger.
It is not necessary to fiberglass the sides. The fabric from the bottom goes up the sides, around 6" above the waterline. That leaves maybe 6" without glass but epoxy coated.

I have read that there is not cloth in the Kit for the sides.
No but you can add a few yards if you want that option.

2-What would be an adequate amount (additional) for covering the sides?
A few yards, let's say 5 yards total. Look at your nesting drawing and see the surface of the side panels then consider that they are already half covered: you don't need much.
3-Is there enough FG and Epoxy to cover the console ( could not find that information) or should I get extra for the console and how much is recommended?

Yes, there is enough to build the console as designed.
You will discover that resin and glass use depends on your experience. There is enough but if you waste a lot, then there isn't.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Post by Muddler »


Yes, larger like the PH18. After getting the plans for the PH16, we got the plans for the PH18 and that is what we will be building. Thanks for the feedback on the questions I asked previously. We'll make the order for the Ply and FG kit next week and I'll make the order to include the extra cloth.

I made the trip to Lowes to get lumber and plywood for a platform to build the boat on and got it put together today, 16 feet long and on wheels to give me the ability to move it around in the garage. I got big casters from Norther Tool. Ready to rock and roll when the materials arrive.

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Post by Muddler »

We got the Epoxy and some of the other materials delivered yesterday (Monday), plywood should be here later today, (Tuesday, 1-16-07) according to the shipping company. I will be finishing the strongback/framework I will use on top of the platform, which I have already constructed and will be used for moving the boat around in the garage during the build. I have pictures of the platform, which looks similar to others already posted. I will post pics of the completed platform and framing for the use of future builders before I start laying on the panels, etc.
Is it a Boat yet?

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Post by Muddler »

The plywood got here on Tuesday and I got it home on Thursday. Now its Saturday and its time to get to laying out all of the components. I got started early and got the transom, bottom panels, side panels, and the first sheet of 3/8s ply for most of the stringer pieces laid out.

I'll start on the second sheet of 3/8s ply tomorrow morning and should be able to get the remainder of sheets laid out and ready to start cutting.

Tomorrow should be another long day but its been fun so far. I did encounter something in the nesting diagram, are the stringers mislabelled? The inside and outside stringers look to be reversed, I base this on the length and height of the stringers shown on one of the other sheets. I don't think it makes a difference I just haven't seen this mentioned before.

For those that read this looking for information, let me tell you "measure 3-4 times before you even think about cutting". I have already caught several silly mistakes. I also noticed that the sheets of ply are about 3/16 inch longer then 8 feet, and about 1/8th inch wider then 4 feet. I started getting some strange number in that things were not coming out where I figured they should. This could throw off some of the panels if you assume the panels are 4 X 8.

Is it a Boat yet?

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Post by Poseidon's Rook »

Nice to read about your new build Muddler. I am looking over the study plans of the PH18 just about hourly as I try to make my decision to buy the plans and commit to a full build. I live a little further south of you in Chickasaw but my parents live in Andalusia as well. It would be great if I could see some of your progress in person (if you don't mind) the next time I am in the area.

Hope you keep up the good work :!:

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Post by Muddler »


I would be glad to have you stop by. So far I have gotten all of the panels marked up for cutting, except the deck and sole. Those will have to wait till the hull, bulkheads and stringers are together. My dad wants to be part of the build, so I'm postponing the cutting of the marked up panels until he can make it here from Dothan, hopefully next weekend.

I still have to complete the framework (on top of my mobile platform) to hold the bulkheads and stringers before the build can begin.

Is it a Boat yet?

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Post by Poseidon's Rook »

Terrific! I am happy to hear someone semi-local is getting started on the boat I wish to construct myself.

I hope it is a great build for you and your father.

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Post by Muddler »

Here is where I will be spending a considerable amount of time over the next several months. This is my mobile platform for construction that I shamelessly stole the idea for from a previous poster. :oops:

Is it a Boat yet?

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Post by tech_support »

Muddler wrote:T.

For those that read this looking for information, let me tell you "measure 3-4 times before you even think about cutting". I have already caught several silly mistakes. I also noticed that the sheets of ply are about 3/16 inch longer then 8 feet, and about 1/8th inch wider then 4 feet. I started getting some strange number in that things were not coming out where I figured they should. This could throw off some of the panels if you assume the panels are 4 X 8.

Thats a good thing to remind us of. Okoume plywood is 2" longer 8O

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