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Tim, Larry thanks for the comments. The longest part of the process was setting down the tape, after that I just brushed on the deck tread. It really works well, I put a can of beer on the gunwhale without the tread and it slipped right of the edge (I caught it - it was half full!) Then put the can on the tread, didnt move an inch!
Tim I do like fly casting, I have a five and an eight weight fly rig that I use for sight casting along the beach and plan to use them on the boat, so you do make a good point about the T Top. It will cut out at least half my target area from the casting deck. Will have to consider a fold down bimini maybe?
Still have to fit the shield and fish finder first before that.
Larry, I did change the design of the console. Mine is about 1 metre across the base ( approx 3') and 850mm across the top. It stands 800 high whichI think is 50mm shorter than the plans say. The front seat houses the batteries and again is not as deep or high as the original plans.
The consol width does not inhibit movement around to the pointy end, (there is about 320mm width between hull side and console at the deck level.) The top of the consol is 220mm wide on which I plan to position my fish finder and some other gadgets if swmbo will let me spend the money!!
I have a seat box behind the console which is 900 x 350 x 400 high divided into two compartments that hold 2 x 25 litre eskies (I think you guys call them coolers??)
I still have to paint some of the internals of the console, apart from that its just a matter of fitting gadgets (I have a 30mhz marine radio located inside the console).
I will post pictures when I have finished the internal painting (cant do it this week rain is forcast for next five days, so back to the fireplace and whiskey!)