My GT23/22 Blog

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My GT23/22 Blog

Post by Daddy »

I can finally post the address to my blog, very amateurish, sorry, but at least there are some pics. The boat fills my shop.

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Post by Daddy »

BTW, I have a tentative name for the GT22, FESTIVUS, (a boat for the rest of us).

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Post by Daddy »

First coat of Behr 100% acrylic applied, going to need a couple of more, costing me lots of firewood in the shop to keep it from being too cold. If I am just sanding I dont mind the chilly days, sanding has a way of warming you up, two more coats of paint and I will flippit.

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Post by gk108 »

Daddy wrote:BTW, I have a tentative name for the GT22, FESTIVUS, (a boat for the rest of us).
:D :D :D :D
CC, D15, V10

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Post by Daddy »

Today we flipped FESTIVUS (a boat for the rest of us). Took two of us to do it. All 22 x 8. Didnt even raise a sweat. Check out my blog and see how it was done. You have to click on "Older Posts" to see the whole story and sorry to say it all came out in revers order of how it was done.

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Post by Daddy »

Now that the hull is flipped I have been at work glassing in the stringers. I was puzzled at first how to space them and hold them upright but found a solution. I first put all of the frames and stringers into the hull. Second I spot welded the stringers in place with 2' long shallow fillets between every other frame, putting the fillet on each side of the frame, let it cure overnight and removed all frames and the stringers stand tall and solid awaiting full fillets and then two layers of tape on each side. When I have finished that (only time today to do one stringer) I will reinstall the frames and fillet and tape them in. A bit tedious but more fun than fairing. I cant wait to put the sole down. I have decided to skip the foam. Twenty eight or so completely sealed water tight compartments under the sole work for me. I might consider foam up under the gunnels for upright floatation but cant imagine holing enough of those compartments to make the boat sink....., I can only go hull speed after all.

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Post by Daddy »

Just posted a bunch of new pictures in my blog. Boat is going well if I dont run out of fire wood or if spring comes early.

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Post by Daddy »

Glassing in the frames, stringers finished. Trying the "glassing off the boat" method of wetting out the glass. Not sure if I like it or not but it is definitely faster. Actually I am glassing in the boat, have set up a saw horse with a tray lined with heavy plastic sheeting. That part works well, the problem is that the glass "grabs" and is not as easy to slide around as when the area is wetted out first. I need to be patient and get the hang if it.

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Post by Cracker Larry »

Daddy, looks like you're moving along nicely 8) Post a pic here once in a while too, it doesn't cost anything :lol:

Here's one....

Completed GF12 X 2, GF16, OD18, FS18, GF5, GF18, CL6
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Post by Daddy »

Larry, pretty much lacking in negotiating the ways of moving pictures around, I would find it easier to move a one ton safe up a flight of stairs, but willing to learn...

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