Well, I finished the 2 models as you'll see below. I did 1 in the original sheer version and a second with the flush sheer.
Both versions I have extended the front deck back by 300mm to allow for extra storage and extra fishing deck up front.
1. Strongback with frames/molds attached.
4. Fitting rubrails.
5. Original sheerline on left, flush sheer on right.
6. Frames/stringers fitted.
9. Finished original sheer version.
10. Finished flush sheer version.
11. Both for a comparison.
You will see in picture No. 7, I have extended the front deck to the rear by 300mm. I have put the frame on top of the cockpit sole. the side frames, C and D sit on top of the sole, directly over the top of their corresponding horizontal member.
As I have extended the deck, frames C and D are now not spaced evenly along the length of the cockpit. My question is, do these side frames which support the gunwhales need to be directly over the corresponding sole member, or can I space them evenly.
It's just really for aesthetics, (and I'm anal). I did it this way for the flush sheer version, (piccy 14) you can just see the difference between the 2 in piccy 11. It does look neater, but if it is needed for support reasons, so be it.
I'll post more piccies when I get them painted.