FS18 baseline

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FS18 baseline

Post by Cracka »

G'day guys.

I have done a search but am still a bit confused :doh: . For the FS 18 plans on sheet D279/3 Station and Lines, the baseline indicated, is that the underside of the deck or the top of the deck as the boat is pictured in elevation (top diagram on that page).

Just need to know whether I need to subtract the 10mm thickness of the deck from the height of each station.


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Post by jacquesmm »

If you use molds, there is nothing to subtract: a baseline is just a line that can be put anywhere. In old plans, you will find the baseline a few feet above or below the hull.
If you use the frames as molds, you can cut the inside to receive the deck at the baseline level.
I often put my baseline at the level of the lower or upper face of the deck.
It is a shortcut, it makes life easier for the builder.
For the FS18, the stations drawing says "BL (baseline) is the upper face of the deck)".

That means, to build as designed, you should cut the inside of the frames 3/8" (10mm) lower than the baseline.
This will put all decks a tiny little bit below the sheer.
It is my choice and if you prefer the deck flush with the sheer in the middle, then do not cut that 3/8". The parts will fit just as well.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Post by Cracka »

Thanks for the reply Jacques. Geez you're on the ball I posted that late last night before bed, check this morning and low and behold you replied not long after I posted. Great service here, thanks mate.

That was the info I was after, I just wasn't sure whether to cut the 10mm off the top or not.


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Post by Zack Attack »

Hi Cracka
I'm glad to see your getting started. I've been catching 8) lots of fish biggest so far 50lb striper . The boat does great you are going to love it!!

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Post by Cracka »

Hi Zack,

Well I actually havn't started building the full size boat yet!!!!!Still off work with a buggered wrist, but I am in the middle of building 2 x 1/10th scale models of the boat.

I have built the standard sheer version (not painted yet) and I'm in the middle of the flush sheer version.

I built the models just like the full size, on the strongback and all. I will post some piccies when I finish if anyone is interested. I'm really impressed with the models and it has given me a bit of an understanding of the build method.

Mate where's the piccies of the big fish??? Only joking mate, but if you've got some to share that would be great. I'm really glad to hear the boat is working out. I have been thinking lately(obviously too much time on my hands) that maybe the ob15 with a flat deck might be a better option for me, like what Fly on Wall did,I just don't know though, :doh: I really like the look of the FS18.


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Post by topwater »

Yea post some pic's would love to see youre model work.

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Post by Cracka »

Well, I finished the 2 models as you'll see below. I did 1 in the original sheer version and a second with the flush sheer.

Both versions I have extended the front deck back by 300mm to allow for extra storage and extra fishing deck up front.

1. Strongback with frames/molds attached.



4. Fitting rubrails.

5. Original sheerline on left, flush sheer on right.

6. Frames/stringers fitted.



9. Finished original sheer version.

10. Finished flush sheer version.

11. Both for a comparison.





You will see in picture No. 7, I have extended the front deck to the rear by 300mm. I have put the frame on top of the cockpit sole. the side frames, C and D sit on top of the sole, directly over the top of their corresponding horizontal member.

As I have extended the deck, frames C and D are now not spaced evenly along the length of the cockpit. My question is, do these side frames which support the gunwhales need to be directly over the corresponding sole member, or can I space them evenly.

It's just really for aesthetics, (and I'm anal). I did it this way for the flush sheer version, (piccy 14) you can just see the difference between the 2 in piccy 11. It does look neater, but if it is needed for support reasons, so be it.

I'll post more piccies when I get them painted.



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Post by dborecky »

VERY NICE!! That is a great way to see what you are building and make decisions. Nice looking models... 8)

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Post by Cracker Larry »

WOW 8O That is some fine modeling :!:

You won't have any trouble building a boat :wink:
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Post by TomW »

Wow thosw are gorgeous, Mick. You should have no problems with the big boat! What's your preference now that you have built them. I sort of like the original, but, both are nice.

Good fishing and red skys at night sailors delight
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