I am starting my PH 18 and would love your input regarding some minor design changes.

I would like to modify the traditional bench seat in the back to fold up and down similar to what is seen on a Cayman (Ranger Boats). This reduces the distance from where a person sits and where their feet rest on the floor, making for an uncomfortable position. Can I drop the cockpit about 3 inches to make up for some of the loss? The modification looks to be rather easy and require minimal adjustments in the stringers and two bulkheads. I can reinforce the stringers toward the front where it looks like taking out 3 inches might make them a little thin.
I am also interested in moving the bulkhead that is just behind the console toward the front of the boat a little, maybe 8 or 10 inches, to increase the size of the deck space in front of the poling platform.
I would like to have the front deck be shaped in more of a rainbow fashion, similar to a Mitzi skiff. This will allow more room for fly line.
I hope to be acquiring some BS 1088 Okoume from an acquaintance at a greatly reduced price. The sizes I will receive will require me to build the stringers, bulkheads, and deck with ½ inch Okoume instead of the required 3/8 inch. I see this as an advantage considering the design changes I am planning to make.
Any thoughts from fellow builders or the designer will be most helpful.