I made a start late Dec, but due to a number of personal reasons the progress was delayed some what until the last week or so.
I had already managed to mark out the 3 x sheets for the transom, station A and station I. I started on these as they fit onto full sheets, and will go on to use them as the frames (I hope this is correct) All the other stations will be drawn onto and cut from chipboard (you guys call partical board, right?) I had already cut out the 3 x transom and station A, so this weekend I spent a couple of hours with my son (who is nearly 5) as he is soooo keen to help!
I am making some quite drastic modifications to the boats overall look, it was good to know that these modifications got the thumbs up from Jacques, and he has offered to help with a couple of drawings once the hull is built and flipped over! Below is a rendering of how I hope she will look when finished, working name is "Five O'Clock Somewhere"

Transom drawn out

Marked out with string so I could see the shape before i marked the cambers in

And the first piece cut!

Robs, my helper was more interested in his nintendo !

Station / Frame I cut and Robs looking a little more helpful!

I also managed to get some heat into the building this weekend, so got the chance to laminate the 3 x transom pieces. Hopefuly the weather will hold as I dont know how much longer I can keep the heat on down there!
A good start I hope. Its a mid term break this week for my son, so I am taking 2 full days off work later in the week. I hope he stays enthusiastic enough to put in a couple of 8-10 hour days with his Dad!