Randy's Low Sheer OD18

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Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Randy »

I have started my second Bateau designed boat. My first effort was the GF18 which is now being used for the third season of bay and flats fishing the middle Texas coast. There are many lessons that I have learned from my first build and lurking on this website and watching numerous other builds.

My Goal and plan for the OD18 - A capable bay and flats fishing boat that runs effectively with 50 or 60 hp. Provides a stable platform and is easy to enter and exit for wade fishing. Has a raised platform for spotting tailing fish in the shallows. So I am going to build the boat with a lower sheer and a flush deck on the rear half of the boat including the area for the center console. There will be a section in front of the console with the standard sole depth and a casting deck at the bow, per plans. More for looks than function the the first couple of feet at the bow will have the standard height sheer. The look will be come clear once I get the sides stitched on, hopefully this weekend.

One lesson I learned and will try to incorporate into this build: Nothing below the sole.
with the raised deck in the rear and gunnels on the sides, I ma going to run all fuel, electrical and steering lines and cables above the water line.

Another lesson that has already been incorporated into the bottom, is a through hull depthfinider transducer. I cut out an irregular hole and filled with glass fibers and resin. (can be seen in Gallery, search "randy").

I am excited about getting going on this latest project, but I will be hampered over the next few weeks as we prepare to move to a new (to us) house.

Look forward to the input and reactions form the members.


San Antonio

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Cracker Larry »

Very interesting 8) I'm looking forward to seeing that come together.
Completed GF12 X 2, GF16, OD18, FS18, GF5, GF18, CL6
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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Dog Fish »

Good luck, lots of pics :)

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by cape man »

One lesson I learned and will try to incorporate into this build: Nothing below the sole.
What was the lesson? Can't see why you would want all that clutter above the sole, unless you made a mistake the last time and ended up having problems later. Don't get me wrong...I am seriously interested in what the lesson was, as everything runs below my sole in chase tubes that are solidly attached to stringers, and sealed everywhere they penetrate wood.

Am interested in seeing a pic of the overall design changes you are going for. Think I know what you are doing, and it will be a radical departure from any other OD I've seen.
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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Dog Fish »

I was wondering what that lesson was too.

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Randy »

The lesson learned about not running anything below the sole was:

Water will find a way to get the the lowest point. If any openings can be avoided they should be. I sealed all the locations in my GF18 where the conduit came up through the sole, but water still gets in the area.

As far as clutter everything will run under the raised platform or the side gunnels in conduit affixed to the underside. the compartments in the right and left of the stern will not have a sole, so they will be open all the way to the bottom. The left side will be a built in cooler/livewell.

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Murry »

Hello Randy,

It sounds like you know what you want, wich is good thing. Good Luck with your second build, I'm looking forward to following your progress.


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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Steven »

What will the OD18 give you that the GF18 doesn't? The OD is already pretty low midship. Are you going to lower it more, or just carry the low height aft?

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by Randy »

There is not much that the OD will do over the GF, in fact I will lose some room.

I do hope for slightly better handling of the chop in the bay, with the pointed bow over the blunt bow of the GF.

As fas as the side heights on the OD, I am following the line of the lower panel, so the upper panel will only be 6" wide, the overlap depth, except for the last couple of feet at the bow.

The main thing that I hope to achieve, is better build quality. My GF leaves something to be desired in workmanship. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the boat and she is sea worthy, I just feel I can do better.

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Re: Randy's Low Sheer OD18

Post by mecreature »

sounds cool... .good luck. I understand being drawn to the OD18..

those GFs are cool boats too.

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