I have been kinda working on the P19 for a few weeks now as seen in some other post but with the weather being off and on here in Michigan so has my boat building and fishing but here's where I am to date.
I started with drawing everything up in CAD for the build of the hull so we could CNC the wood, it's has been a learning experience if anything, we cut the transom, clamping boards and bottom so far and they turned out perfect but I have decided, after we are done with the sides, that's all that will be cut on the CNC machine for now, between having to haul the wood an hour away from my house to the CNC shop, cutting a few pieces of wood and then re-loading the wood and driving back home it's just too much hassle, besides that it's taking some of the personal aspect of cutting it myself away, sounds weird but I like that one on one with cutting the wood myself, not to mention the CNC cutting was painfully slow because we only had cutters made for cutting steel. I should also mention here that my daughter's boyfriend really knows his stuff and when he gets his own CNC machine set-up with a 4 X 8 table and a wood cutting cutter we will be able to fly through the next phase or boat we decide to do.
I finally got the frame together and all aligned after some challenging moments and thoughts of what did I get myself into but all is good now, well almost,
I don't know if you can see it but at the front of the outside stringer the bottom of the frame does not line up with the bottom of the stringer???
I'm not sure where I went wrong but I'll crunch some #'s tonight and see what I come up with.
Next I will lay the CNC cut panels on the frames and see how she lines up.
Joe H