My first boat! FL12

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My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

Ok guys, starting my thread....i purchased the plans a few weeks ago, have gotten my epoxy kit....ready to start building.

I have cut the wood (except for the seat tops), primed and ready to do my butt spllices.

First question, the first coat of epoxy has cured, do i need to sand them a little before i "glue" the butt blocks down?

And how long do i need to wait before i try to stitch it together and add the frames? overnight, or longer?

temperature here now is like, low 60's at night, mid 70's during the day.....
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by TomW »

James welcome. Overnight is fine with 60 degree temps. In fact it is preferable because you can still be considered to be working wet on wet of having a chemical bond and not a mechanical one between the layers of epoxies. If it has cured more than 24hrs then sand it with 80 grit and wipe down with alcohol and water to remove the dust.

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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

Thanks for the info...i did just like you said. Everything held up really good. I dry fit the frames and transom this morning..tore back apart and glueing in the 1x2's around all the seat frames. Will let is set overnight and then pick up again tomorrow.

Think im finally figuring this epoxy stuff out.. :) mixing the right amount for the application takes a couple of tries...but no worries you can always use the extra to prime some raw Will try to post some pics later...guess i need to figure that out sooner or later.

Everyone have a great weekend..hope your weather is as nice as it is here :P
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

So now just about ready to stitch the bottom on....its so awesome!

At first the family is like.."you cant build a boat!" but after seeing the progress no they are like man its so easy anyone can do it! lol....Dad gets all the respect :D

Rubrail question? I havent seen very many made out of round stock...Im thinking of using some 1" or 1 1/2" round, either splitting it and glueing to the outside, or maybe cutting a groove and slipping it over the top. I tend to like this idea better, because it covers up the top of the sides giving it a nice finished look.

Thoughts or suggestions?
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

trying to post a pic of the progress

So everything is glued in bottom, frames, for just a little cleanup then filleting and fiberglass begins.

Still wanting to see if anyone thinks the round stock is a bad idea for the rubrail?

thanks everyone

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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by gk108 »

its so easy anyone can do it!
That shows you just how contagious BBV is. You see how casual exposure has planted that seed in their minds? :help:

Since you don't have frame ears that extend all the way up to the sheer, your hull relies on the rubrail alone for all of its stiffness. For that reason, a laminated plywood rubrail on the outside would be the best way to go.
I used ¾" wide half-round on the inside of my D15.
Shape the outside of the rubrail right and the whole side of the boat becomes a handle suitable for the best white knuckle ride. :lol:
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT » step, i "glassed" the seams around the transom and betwenn the transom and rear seat frame. i wet the area and laid the glass, then smoothed every thing and added a little extra epoxy to the glass in some areas, because it didnt look like it was wetting properly...overall im very happy with it.

My question is, after it cures i can feel the tape pattern, is this where the fairing compoound comes in? or did i not use enough epoxy?

I'll post some pics tonight.

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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by Cracker Larry »

That's where the fairing compound comes in. It would waste gallons of epoxy if you tried to fill the weave with it.
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

thanks Larry, your advice is greatly appreciated.
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Re: My first boat! FL12

Post by JamesT »

Got most of the inside filleting and fiberglassing done this weekend, but i got in a hurry and made a seems that i either didnt mix or got my ratio off on a batch of my epoxy, the bow fillet didnt cure properly, its still tacky to the touch.

Whats the best way to remove this? im sure i just cant epoxy over it.
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