FL12 - NW Trout - ***SPLASHED***

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NW Trout
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FL12 - NW Trout - ***SPLASHED***

Post by NW Trout »

Greeting all

Well, the plans arrived a few weeks ago. Meranti plywood was picked up Thursday from CrossCut Lumber in Seattle. I had originally looked at Edensaw in Tacoma & Port Townsend. However, the weekday only hours at their Tacoma location and my regular 8-5/6pm job made it just about impossible to get down to their place. Maybe next time because they seem like a quality outfit.

A recommendation led me to Crosscut in Seattle. Tryg at Crosscut matched the quote I got from Edensaw and saved me a good couple of driving hours in I-5 traffic. Also, he was prompt with replies to questions and order status. Good service is awesome.

System Three Resin kit arrived from Bateau on Friday (with a very quiet knock from the UPS driver).

Here is what my son and I are shooting for:

Spent Friday night measuring, drawing, making fair curves and what not on the plywood. And, boy are some of those pieces/panels nested tight! Still everything measured out just as it should. Good details and plan instructions. I think the sheet length was a half inch over 8-feet so we got small amount of wiggle room.

Put together a rolling dolly that fits an old folding table. It will let us regain that side of the garage by moving everything to the back of the double deep bay.

Taped plans to cardboard for easy and quick reference (and so we wouldn't lose them)

Hydrotek from Crosscut

Drawing the nested pieces.

Nails & PVC for curve batten


Oldest boy and his buddy inspecting things

Today saw lot of sawdust. After a late night of drawing the frames & what not on the plywood, we got after it good.


We got all the pieces cut. It took some courage to make those first cuts, along with some pre-planning on which cuts to make first. The thicker pieces actually seem to go easier than the thin stuff. I had to keep telling myself to take my time and go slow. And a great lesson is to never toss out or burn any scraps over 6 inches of lumber leftover. A few 1x3, 1x4 pieces worked great for spaces to lift the plywood sheets off the floor and support other areas of the sheet. Overall, everything looks good.

Bottom panels

The amount of dust was amazing and very fine. Very glad we wore particle masks. Both have the telltale markings on them. Also swept and vacuumed up between working on each sheet. Even then, after all picked up, converted the shopvac to a blower and blew out the fine coating that seemed to be on everything. Can’t wait for what sanding will do.

Now I need to stop by Home Depot to pick up some more battens for framing the seat frames. We will try to get those cut first thing tomorrow and spend the morning gluing those and blocks on the side panels and bottom pieces.
Last edited by NW Trout on Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:07 am, edited 3 times in total.
aka NW Trout

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by JamesT »

Looking good! Cant wait to see it take shape!
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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by NW Trout »


Battens picked up and cut to fit frames. Ready for epoxy coat and glueing


Same for side panels, bottom and butt block. Reference centerline also drawn and panels marked as well to hopefully have everything line up.

Pieces primed/coated with epoxy and now making glue. I’ve read glue consistency being compared to “ketchup,” to “mayonnaise,” to “peanut butter.” Given fillets consistency is almost always mentioned as peanut butter, I opt’d for thick ketchup.

Frames and battens glued with light clamping pressure

Same for panels

We're using the SystemThree Resin w/medium hardener. It needs minimum 55 degrees to cure/set correctly. With the warmer than normal January and the possibility of this build lasting into spring, it seemed the right choice.

The attached garage was around 58-60 degrees with a small space heater. Carefully moving and covering the pieces with make shift plastic tent and putting a heater in resulted in an air temp of 65 degrees to help insure a good cure.

After 24 hours, we unclamped and everything was holding solid. We stacked pieces with plastic interleaved between on the moving table, moved it to the back of the double bay. Then it was covered again in the makeshift plastic tent and heater put in to continue to the curing/setting. With the smaller air volume, the temp stayed around 70 degrees now. Letting it sit for another 24 hours and then we start stitching.
aka NW Trout

Seattle, WA

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by NW Trout »

Bit of a screw up.

After stitching bow and transom on, we set in the mid-seat frames. The front one fit in fine. The back one was loose. Turns out a slight math error left it 7/8 of an inch short. My quick solution was to trace the profile of the frame+battens on a scrap piece of 3/8 ply and two scraps of 1/4 ply. Glue the 3/8 on one end and the two 1/4 plys on the other.


I'm asking in the section for questions if this is valid. Seems it should work.
Last edited by NW Trout on Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
aka NW Trout

Seattle, WA

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by Cracker Larry »

I'm asking in the section for questions if this is valid. Seems it should work.
No problem with that fix, John 8) You're off to a good start.
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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by cape man »

I love this picture!!! Too Cool!


Will be nice to see them at the helm some day!
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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by NW Trout »

Redo Day...

As in scrapping off uncured epoxy resin coat - tacky after 2 days in 80+ heated tent in garage. Pulled apart "glued" side plywood bandage strips and "glued" transom seat cleat.

In my rush to fix the problem with the width on the one mid-frame, I was off in my epoxy mix. Tried to do a small batch in a cup and was off on hardner and/or not enough mixing. Oh the joy. Live and learn.

Learned - as in researched issue here and SystemThree site - scrapping & sanding should be adequate since most areas are coating. For the glue areas, I really scrapped and sanded. Then per the instructions from Sys3, worked the new stuff in with short trimmed chip brush to work it/mix it into any uncured resin that may be left on the wood.

Opted for syringes this time for small batch making. Watched my mix times carefully to insure its properly mixed. Re-did the glue ups and this morning after 8 hours in heated 70 degree space, eveything is looking good.

Progressing along fine now. I'm sure a few more hiccups are in the future.

Thanks to those who've posted their slips and solutions in the past. There is a wealth of info here in the forum. Very helpful.
aka NW Trout

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by NW Trout »

Continuing with the build
Bow and transom stitched and set in the frames temporarily. Not thrilled with some of my cut work on seat tops. Thinking of a few ways to address and dress up what may be some ugly gaps.

I opted not to precut the bow seat and instead start with a cardboard template – seen here with scrap plywood underneath to hold the nails while drawing the edge curve

In setting the frames in the rear trailing edges of the battens on the bow and transom frame meet the sides first and seem to leave a large gap – too big for just glue – on the front faces of the plywood frames. I knocked down the corners with some passes with a sureform planer. Fit & glue gap seems better now.

Frames and seat tops set in temporarily. Need to flip and add bottom

Boat flipped and chines tapped. I left the stitches in on the front and transom. I’ll take the advice of many (CLarry, ks8… ) and tack weld between, let it set, then remove stitches and fillet the whole joint.

Flipped. Need to check for square, adjust as needed and start gluing frames. Also need to grind a bit on the side butt block panels. They are bit to high and don't meet the top of the seat frames. I was a bit off on the clearance needed for the bottom panels butt block.

Very much enjoying this project.
aka NW Trout

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by quadradomus »

Wow!! I need to get busy! You boat looks really good John. I appreciate the photos and details. If there is anything so far that looking back you would say to "Watch out for" please sent me a PM. It looks like you did leave a little gap between the butt blocks on the side panels... and the bottom edge of the side panels. I read from another builder to leave 5/8" to account for the hull butt blocks.

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Re: FL12 - NW Trout

Post by ks8 »

cape man wrote:I love this picture!!! Too Cool!


Will be nice to see them at the helm some day!
I'm thinking if the Bateau calendar project ever gets revived, that might be a winner there. Next generation catching the excitement and ease of building your own boat. :)

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