Fishwater's FS18

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Fishwater's FS18

Post by Fishwater »

I had heard stories years ago of my grandfather getting together with 5 or 6 other guys back in the fifties to build them each a sailboat. His was called the Midnight Rambler. It was a little day cruiser. Couldn't have been more than 16'. I have a picture of him in it, but no record as to what ever became of it. I always thought it would be a nice homage to build one myself. The only thing is I don't sail, at least I haven't since I was the captain of a hobie cat at the ripe old age of 9. I do love to chase tails though. The kind with spots that are found in about a foot of water.

Several years have passed since I purchased my first set of plans...the Indian River Skiff. I had every intention of making it a little poling skiff. I'm glad I never built it.

When I saw the FS18 plans hit the site, I bought 'em. And then I sprung for the epoxy/glass kit. Last week I bought the wood at a local supplier. Over the weekend I drew the panels, frames, transom, etc and began cutting. I'm hoping by Sunday I'll have the thing stitched together...I think I'll then post pictures and start to refer to her by name.
That's is all for now.
Last edited by Fishwater on Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by wegcagle »

It'll be great to see another FS18 come together. There are a couple of wonderful builds going on currently. It sure is a great little skinny water boat.

Now lets get some boat porn on this thread :D


GV15, D4 done! Dreaming about the next one

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by TJS Redchaser »

Congrats on getting started. Looking forward to following the build. 8)
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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by hooter »

Always good to see new builds. I'm assuming h-town in your profile means Houston. I'm here in Houston for another couple of months and have a build going. Let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Fishwater »

After a weekend of gluing panels, squaring the strongback, attaching frames, I have begun stitching. I can't imagine how anyone did any of this solo...thank God for brothers in law. The PVC tip, by Bayport Bob I believe, is invaluable. I should finish stitching the bow tonight and will have pictures posted tomorrow.
Now that it's coming together, my wife's comment was "oh my God, you're really building a boat. It's bigger than I thought it would be." (That's a compliment I guess )

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Fishwater »

I tacked everything in place on Tuesday and cut the zip ties out last night. I was able to fill in the voids on the port side as well. I'm going to try to get the starboard side and bow done tonight reserving all of the sanding for Sunday. I would probably be ready to glass on Sunday but life gets in the way.

I realize this thread is worthless without pics. I'll get some up soon.

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Joe H »

Hey H-Town,
Nice progress, Your gonna be done before we see any picture! :lol:

Joe H
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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Dog Fish »


Just messing with ya , sounds like your moving along nicely so far. Good luck with the glassing.
I have a FS18 just sitting in the back of the big garage waiting on material funds. :cry:

Some day :!:

Brian :)

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Fishwater »

Looks good...what else do you have left to do? Looks ready to get wet to me.

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Re: The Chronicles of an FS18

Post by Dog Fish »

No No No :!: that's not my boat. I should have explained my self a little better, sorry :oops: I wish it was my boat, that belongs to Eric's son Alex. She is a very nice boat, they did a great job.
My boat is all stitched together sitting on the strong back waiting for me to come back with some materials :roll: Funds have been hard to come buy lately , hopping for improvement soon.

Some more pics of Alex boat.

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