texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

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texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by texasrds »

Well, I've started my OD18 build (actually a month or so ago) and figured it was time to try and get this post started. Plans are for this OD18 to be used as a bay boat around here as I've got six or so bay systems to work from. It is slow going but I'm making progress even in spite of myself and a few mistakes already. Learning how to work with the epoxy / hardener is interesting and after cooking off a batch or two ended up getting an air conditioner for the work space to help with the mid to upper 90's and 90 % or better humidity here. It has also been recommended that chilling the epoxy will help slow the process down so I will be doing that as well. Here are a few pictures of what has been done to date. Taping the stringers and working on the transom and molds are next. Let the fun continue.......

Making sawdust with the BBDs

Bottom panels and butt blocks

Stringers glued and clamped

Stringers in place

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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by Cracker Larry »

Off to a fine start :!: The lab mix dog looks like he has glue on his foot already :lol:
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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by bernd1 »

Enjoy the building...have fun !


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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by Hope2float »

nice start looks good keep it rolling.

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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by texasrds »

I don't know what Stacy (the lab mix looking dog in pic - she is actually a Texas Blue Lacy) was doing but yeah it does look like she stepped in some glue. :D And Klaus of course is a minature dachsund who unfortunately passed away two weeks ago since the pic was taken. Good dogs.
Well - last night managed to cut out mold E and mold D and drew out mold C and the transom braces so I'm moving along. Shooting to have the molds all cut and hopefully in place and braced by next weekend as I'm away this whole weekend. Later...
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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by texasrds »

Made a bit of progress this past week getting the molds all cut and installed as well as the transom tacked into place and ready for glue. I figured out that I had gotten a bit ahead of myself while glassing in the stringers in the area of the transom braces as they wouldn't fit flush with the stringers so I ended up having to grind out the glass and epoxy glue I had put down there. Talk about a fine white powder (epoxy and fiberglass :D ) that just sticks to you and of course itches (or at least in my mind it does).
Next on the agenda is gluing the bottom of the transom, laying out and cutting the chine and lower and upper panels as well as glassing them together and then start the task of fitting the chine pieces.

A shot from the front of the molds in place.

Molds D - C - B looking forward

Transom tacked in place

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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by Cracker Larry »

Is the transom glued on yet? If not, I'd like to make a suggestion, well, I'm going to make it either way I reckon :lol: Where your transom is cut out for the motor, it has very sharp angles on the inside and outside corners. You'll want to be glassing over these later, and a radius would take the epoxy, glass, and even paint, better than a sharp edge. Radius curves are also stronger than angles, and help eliminate stress points. They are a lot easier to cut with the transom on a saw horse than it is glued to the boat. Use a soup can or similar to mark all the curves, if it's not too late.


Plus, to my eye curves just look better :D
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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by TomW »

Yes please make those sharp angles curves they should with plywood be minimun 2" and all the plans I have say 3". You missed something somewhere. With a sharp angle like that they will eventually crack frome the torque of the motor on them.
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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by texasrds »

Thanks for the suggestion there on the radius's for the transom CL. I haven't glued yet so I can take it off and fix that right up with no problems. I've got all kinds of radius material to work with around here. I spent two hours tonight just laying out one of the chine, lower and upper panel sheets. Only four more to go. The overlap of dimensions (1/4") on the tail end of the upper and lower panels on what I call plywood sheet five (nesting schematic) had me stumped. I kept measuring and re-measuring but kept coming up with the same overlap. I seem to recall someone commenting on the same thing in another string up here on the forum but can't find it yet. Yep TomW, I guess I did miss something in the plethora of detailed instructions that I received with my plans and epoxy kit to help me on my way here. Yes, I know the measurements are there if you can decipher them and in my opinion you have to extrapolate what the designer means in some instances but come on, the "instructions" are thin particularly for those of us that are new to this and it is the first time we've attempted something of this scale and materials.

Anyhow - appreciate it.

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Re: texasrds OD18 build mid-coast Texas

Post by texasrds »

I am at the stage of planning and picturing how the setup and install of the chine, lower and upper panels will go. I've been through the plans and see where we fit the chine, then the lower panel and then the upper panel (along with CL's nifty homemade panel scribe). I recall reading on the forum here that someone had said if he had to do it over again he would have glued the lower and upper panel together first on a flat surface and then mounted them as one piece. Anyone recall this? Is this feasable/advisable or should I just stick to the one piece at a time method shown as I am by myself on this foray (with the exception of ya'll and this forum) and Stacy my BBD is not nearly as much help as CL's BBDs are.

Thanks, Randy.
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