Is the transom glued on yet? If not, I'd like to make a suggestion, well, I'm going to make it either way I reckon

Where your transom is cut out for the motor, it has very sharp angles on the inside and outside corners. You'll want to be glassing over these later, and a radius would take the epoxy, glass, and even paint, better than a sharp edge. Radius curves are also stronger than angles, and help eliminate stress points. They are a lot easier to cut with the transom on a saw horse than it is glued to the boat. Use a soup can or similar to mark all the curves, if it's not too late.
Plus, to my eye curves just look better

Completed GF12 X 2, GF16, OD18, FS18, GF5, GF18, CL6
"Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made." -Robert N. Rose