TX 18 Build

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TX 18 Build

Post by dborecky »

I have not really been following on here much but that is about to change. :D

I decided to go for it and start my TX 18 Build. I had my eye on this boat since it first came out and Huck beat me to the build many years ago. A new born got in the way and I have been enjoying my FS 14. My wife made me promise to wait till Gavin was 1 year old before starting the build. His birthday was in Dec soooooo...... I ordered the wood from Bateau and it was delivered last week.

I am going to take my time and try and build the boat with my 4 year old Joseph. I learned that this can slow you down as I started to put together the strong back today. I figured I could slap this baby together in not time but it does take a little longer with the extra help. It is worth it though!! :lol:

I promise to document it here for you all to see and comment on. I am not sensitive at all and all comments will be taken without insult. I may not follow them all but I hope that no offense is taken.

Here are the first round of pictures.

A buddy Dan delivered the ply from a good friend Charlotte who owns a buisness with a fork lift. I had the wood delivered to her and Dan brought to my house in his trailer.


Unstacked and restacked back in the garage. I have been cleaning out the garaged for a few months and still have junk to clear out but I could not wait any longer and had to start the build and clean as I build.



Joseph helping me buy the wood for the strongback.


Joseph helping bolt the strongback with 2X6's.



I am going to use these casters that are 6" and rated for 770 Lbs each.


That's it for today......

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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by Cracker Larry »

Great start Derrick. Joseph is his Daddy's boy :lol: I thought you told me that you cleaned that garage :doh:
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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by wadestep »

Great to see you getting started on another one, and with such great help. Looks like every extra minute it takes to build will be time well spent.
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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by dborecky »

Larry, You should have seen it before. It was about a 5 foot pile of stuff covering almost 90% of the floor space. I should have taken a before and after photo....

Wade, Joseph was really enjoying it and I got a kick out of him helping me. He actually has some raw talent with that socket wrench. :lol: He was able to tighten them by himself while I drilled guied holes.

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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by Rob Eades »

If you need to borrow a rod & reel let me know,I have two. 8O


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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by Prarie Dog »

Good job getting started. It will be interesting watching your build. I have been watching davidtx's build closely and am aware of some of his problems and issues. David is sworn to complete his before the Texas Builders Meet, hope to talk him into a ride. :D

edit: Check out his blog, the link is at the bottom of his posts, he posted the other day on the Texas Builders Meet thread.

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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by cottontop »

You and your son will never forget this build. My kids are grown with their own now. I never regretted spending as much time as possible with them. They still talk about the many good times spent together. My only comlaint is they grew up too fast. Looks like you may have a "master mechanic" there. Good luck on your new adventure. John

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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by jacquesmm »

Joel reminded me to write some notes about the kit assembly.
I will write that today and send you a PDF file but there is very little to it.
The kit goes together exactly as described in the notes that came with the plans.
The only difference is the use of MDF molds.

Here is a picture of the molds assembled with the stringers and transom, resting on 2x8's on saw horses:


Same viewed from side and above:

(I don't show the saw horses in the plan view).

You received 3 bow molds and a bow mold locator with your kit.

The locator is that cross beam.

Note how the stringers fit just on top of the bow molds.
Another view:

I made the notches for the stringers somewhat tight. You have to sand then down a little bit.

That's all. It should get together easily, post here if you have questions.

And don't epoxy glue the hull to the MDF: cover them with plastic at every seam.
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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by Aripeka Angler »

Derrick, glad to see you have gotten underway on your boat! I am looking forward to seeing her come together. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help...

Have you told Jen yet?
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Re: TX 18 Build

Post by dborecky »

Rich, I'm psyched about it. Jen did notice and was real quiet... That is not like her 8O She will get over it. She saw how Joseph was able to help and enjoy it. I thin that will help her warm up to the build. 8)

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