Here are a couple of photos:
I completed the canoe in June 2004 and the XF20 in June of 2009.
what are the stats on that canoe? interesting boat. - fishin
The canoe was a custom design. The plans consisted of the station forms and the bow form. No information on strips, weight of cloth, gunwales, transom, seats etc. It was my first build and I didn't have clue. I read several books and searched the internet and gave it a go. I'm sure it's overbuilt, probably heavier than needed. I wish I had built the XF20 first as the bateau techniques would have been helpful.I love that canoe as well! More info please! - welyjr
Thanks!....The product is Zolotone ( I used their two part epoxy primer followed the #20-72 silver gray. A couple of boat shops in the area use this product on the interior of the aluminum river boats and it has a good local reputation. I was tired of sanding and fairing the interior and was looking for a product that would cover the remaining imperfections. It did the job. BTW... I'm really impressed with the quality of the boats I see on this forum....better finishes than production boats. I just didn't have the patience for that kind of work.Did you use a pray in bedliner in that XF20? I always thought that would be a good workboat finish for a fishing boat. Either way she's hot, don't see girls painted that color much, but I like it a lot
35 hp, 17 mph on GPS.....I'm spoiled by my 30 HP Honda and I really hate that old smokey , noisy, 35 hp 2 stroke, and boy does it guzzle the fuel. I have not spent much time or effort to obtain the optimum prop combo so it may be possible to get more speed out of that outboard. Kids and life ( and ice) have got in the way and I have not been able to use the boat as much as I originally planned. It's my goal to upgrade to a larger 4 stroke someday.What size motor are you using and how fast will she go?
....not sure the canoe is a match for that boat, the bow tends to punch through the big waves.....The canoe reminds me of boats in the Cayman Islands and Jamaica.
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