Guam MM21

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Guam MM21

Post by chicagoross »

Built the jig, added legs and flipped it over for a table. Need to cut and splice all hull panels first, as there is no other flat space to work in (the carport floor is frequently covered with water - no problem, wear flipflops). I've been through the plans several times, modifing building procedures to fit my (lack of proper) building facility... :D So another Guam build starts: poor building facility, absence of local supplies, poor and expensive shipping, consistently hot, wet, and buggy weather. :D The funny part is I do this for my sanity! For an hour or two a day, I can focus on problems that are solvable and progress that is visible!

Guam boat ride, beer, and Mahi for the first to identify the boat from the hull panel shape :doh: !
Last edited by chicagoross on Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Guam Build

Post by Larry B »

Always like to watch your builds. I'll go out on a limb here and say: Edit: LB22
Last edited by Larry B on Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Guam Build

Post by gstanfield »

Mini Maia 21 would be my guess 8)
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Re: New Guam Build

Post by Prarie Dog »

Ross, think it's the HM19. :doh:

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Re: New Guam Build

Post by chicagoross »

Good eye, George! Beer and Mahi next time you're in Guam! :D

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Re: New Guam Build

Post by gstanfield »

Sounds like a plan, now I gotta go see what a plane ticket to Guam will cost me :D

EDIT: At over $2k a ticket I guess I'll just have to pass on that deal, but go ahead and have an extra one for me on your next outing 8)
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Re: Guam MM21

Post by chicagoross »

If you're still in Wyoming next February, that $2000 will sound pretty reasonable. :D You can't be somewhere better than Wyoming summer or fall, though!

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Re: Guam MM21

Post by chicagoross »

I have been slowly going crazy the last year, looking for the perfect plan and itching to start building. As many of you know, this can become more of a need than a hobby. The Novi was one of the first boats I fell in love with at first look, but family had morphed that into the DE23. I'd actually been waffling between that and Devlin's Dunlin for quite a while.

What we know for sure at this point: Must be towed by a tacoma. Wife and kids are NOT giving up the comfort of cabin and pilothouse - in fact, what they really want is a camper boat, or houseboat - but that doesn't work too well in the middle of the pacific. Guam is usually either raining on you or hot and sunny, often shifting every hour or so. We all like cruising, snorkeling, and trolling. Dad needs to start building. I guess there's some TV character that keeps building boats he'll never use - I can understand that.

Recently my wife decided to open a small restaurant. I have come to realize that a new tandom 22' trailer and say a 60 hp motor are not in my near future; displacement speeds will be. I do have all new running gear on my HMD18 that is now about 3 years old. So what can I do with what I have?

My HMD was a rather quick build, workboat finish. I'm hoping here for a little more comfort, more detail (sliding windows/door, boarding ladder for snorkeling etc.), maybe even weekend camping. I can take as much time as I want, as we can use the HMD anytime we want to go out and my main goal here is enjoying the process.

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Re: Guam MM21

Post by gstanfield »

It'll be really cool to see one of these come together, I can't wait!
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Re: Guam MM21

Post by Daddy »

And here I was hoping for another Nina... :( Oh well, I'll be watching with interest. :D

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