I've been woodworking for several years now. My dad taught me from a young age and it's been a great outlet for both my creative side and that geometric part of my brain.
Several months ago, Dad and I were talking about fishing in the Gulf and he asked me once again why I don't have a boat. Then he brought up that he and his father used to build Glen L boats back when it was all purchased out of the backs of magazines. Over his lifetime, Grandfather had built about five boats.
Prior to that conversation, I had never heard of such a thing. But I was hooked immediately. It took me about four months just to decide which plan to buy, but I finally did it. I took a month to pour over the drawings.
I recently made my inaugural cut.

It's the bowmold, cut from a scrap of birch plywood I had laying around. Being the big kid I am, I took the photo to work on my phone and showed it to absolutely everybody.
Lots of eyerolls.
I'm most looking forward to getting help from friends and family on this build. I think this will be a good opportunity to teach my niece a lot about woodworking. I even bought her a dust mask.

And, like so many of you, I'm looking forward to the day when I can lean back in my Runabout and say, "What, this? Just got done building it."