OD18 by CHarris

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OD18 by CHarris

Post by CHarris »

Here are the pics from my other post in the power boat forum. I hope to have some new progress pics soon. Since these pics were taken, I have fiberglassed all of the inside seams, re-installed the molds, and am preparing to flip her over.


<img src ="modules/Upload/charris/frontview.jpg ">

<img src ="modules/Upload/charris/insideback.jpg ">

<img src ="modules/Upload/charris/insidefront.jpg ">

<img src ="modules/Upload/charris/backview.jpg ">

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Post by dlr »

Looking good!!! How long did it take you to get to this stage? I'm gathering materials to start mine. If all goes well, I will begin this weekend.

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Post by CHarris »

I bought all of my wood on July 5th. Did not start cutting until the next weekend. Then I had to wait on my epoxy and fiberglass to show up. I only get to work on it on the weekends. Also , I'm not in a hurry to get it done. The building is therapy for me. It is a great stress reducer. :D

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Post by ddbiiz »

I was thinking of moving center console forward some to make room for pedestal seats any thoughts? My fiberglass kit should be here any day just ordered saturday, :lol: seems like everyday I have a new idea of were to put things. Just figured since we're building same boat you might have considered some changes too. good luck 8)


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Post by CHarris »


I have been thinking of using either a large cooler for a seat or building a bench seat against the motorwell bulkhead. Then I could put a cooler inside the enclosed bench seat or build a permanent cooler inside. This would also extend the two quarter seats and make a nice rear casting platform. I have priced the pedestal seats and they are a little too pricey for me. You could buy a swingback seat for the same price as two pedestal seats. As to moving the console forward, I don't think I will. I read in one post a while back that the OD's need a little weight in the back to prevent pitch poling in a following sea. I have thought of making the console a little wider though.


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Post by ddbiiz »

Against the motor well I was considering building a fish box/cooler that's why I wanted to move console forward to make room for seats. I used to have a 19 ft. center console with cooler seat didn't really like it changed to pedestal seats the cheap ones made all the difference in the world. I'll make my decision when I get closer to that point. The planning is as much fun as the building. 8)


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Post by gpratt »

On the OD 16 I build a cooler in front of the splashwell and moved the console 14" forward. I have a 25 gal tank under the forward deck and a 23 gal baitwell in front of the console. Even with that weight forward, it helps to get on plane to have a person move forward of the console when two are in the boat. So I don't think you have to worry about moving the console forward a bit.

Here is a link to a pic of the inside of my boat.

http://www.bateau2.comOD16/view.htm?id= ... &boat=OD16

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Post by ddbiiz »

First let me say that's one nice looking rig. :wink: What size motor do you have and what speed are you getting? I have been thinking of running the 70 hp but, am worried that it's not enough hp for the boat, as a new one is big money and if not enough I'm sure thier not going to take it back!! 8)


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Post by gpratt »

Thanks for the nice comment.

I have a Yamaha 50 high torque four stroke mounted. I know way the high t, because it was a year end left over. Top speed is is the mid 30s with a 17 pitch x 13.25" prop. The high ts are geared down but use a larger dia. prop.

As for a 70 ..... that's to much in my book. I don't feel comfortable going over 30 in this boat. Other builders have stated similar feelings.

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Post by Skydad »

I have to agree with Gary. I also moved my console forward on my OD16. My tank is under the front seat of the console. No problem getting on plane with a 60 h.p. 2 cylinder Evinrude.(not nearly as powerful as the 3 and 4 cylinder engines of approx. the same power rating). I am not comfotable running my OD16 over 25 mph although it will do between 30 and 35 with that engine. The ideal cruising speed on my boat is about 20 to 22 mph. The battery is in the starboard aft quarter seat and the livewell under the port one.
Richard Warner

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