CS23 - Dad's dream

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CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by antoniekruger »

And so it begins:
I finally received my design. Sorry order desk if I drove you ape with my queries. I soaked in the design for a good week or so to collect all my thoughts. I worked out a building program for materials and progress(Occupational habit)-to keep me on track. I ordered my first batch of materials up to the hull planking stage and picked it up through the week. :D

I asked my family around the dinner table what we should call the boat. My son answered without thinking about it : Dad's dream. So be it.
Heres the first stock. I have a another project deadline for end of March, so my start date for this is 1 April......unless I can sneak away and do a few markups.
Last edited by antoniekruger on Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by Walkers Run »

That's very exciting. Good luck with your build. Post lot's of pictures!
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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by cottontop »

Good luck and have lots of fun. That's a mighty small space for the boat you are building? :roll: :D

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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by antoniekruger »

:lol: No, this is my garage - we did an exercise with Jacques and found that I'll have to break out a piece of my garage to get the boat out. I'll just use it as a store and workshop whilst the boat will stand just outside under the carport. It is larger, covered and protected. Had to erect a different carport for the wifes car. That should be done by the weekend. I'm running out of yard.
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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by peter-curacao »

Cool 8) good luck!

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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by antoniekruger »

The carport is up, so I made the first cuts and glued the transom. Look at the smile on my wifes baby merc:

And here is station F:

I have a few questions around the clamping board:
1. A confirmation that the clampingboard dimensions are the same as the transom bottom up to the edge of the motorwell :?:
2. Can I glue it onto the transom before I mount it on the strongback or do I fit it when I glass the interior - It would be better now since I can apply real good pressure for a good bond, although the transom would then be heavier to mount on the strongback.
3. Does the clamboard have to be cut from 1 piece. I can imagine the structural arguments. Let me explain: The cut from the transom for the dual motors gives large enough offcuts to cover around 80% of the clampboard. Now, If I use these offcuts and join it with enough wood to make up the whole clampboard dimensions and reinforce it with 200g glass between the 2 13mm sheets, would it not serve as a full sheet cut?

Whilst glueing the transom I was wondering what kind of penetration of the epoxy into the wood was required to be considered a good bond. Does the epoxy penetrate deeper than the first layer of the ply :?: And should it?

Any commnets welcome - thanks fellas,
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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by WobblyLegs »

antoniekruger wrote:Hi,
The carport is up, so I made the first cuts and glued the transom. Look at the smile on my wifes baby merc:
Hi Antonie,

Wow, looking at that pic it's gonna be a BIG boat!! Good luck with the build.


Tim (also in SA, Western Cape near Hermanus).

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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by antoniekruger »

Hi Tim, thanks.

I have family in Bettys bay and Somerset. Close to your doorstep.

Cheers, Antonie
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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by TRC886 »

antoniekruger wrote:And here is station F:
Is station F a permanent part of the boat, or is it a temporary mold? If it's temporary, I'd use the cheapest stuff I could find and save that expensive ply for where it's needed.

I have a few questions around the clamping board:
1. A confirmation that the clampingboard dimensions are the same as the transom bottom up to the edge of the motorwell :?:
I don't have the plans so I can't say for certain, but if that's what the plans say, it sounds OK to me. The clamp'g board serves to reinforce the transom where the motor bolts to it.

However, on a boat that size, I usually don't expect to find a clamping board. I expect to find a full sized transom that is a minimum of 38mm core thickness and 51mm total thickness.

3. Does the clamboard have to be cut from 1 piece.

The cut from the transom for the dual motors gives large enough offcuts to cover around 80% of the clampboard. Now, If I use these offcuts and join it with enough wood to make up the whole clampboard dimensions and reinforce it with 200g glass between the 2 13mm sheets, would it not serve as a full sheet cut?
Unless you are using polyester (which is a "four letter word" around here :lol: ), you don't need 'glass between the sheets of ply.

Whilst glueing the transom I was wondering what kind of penetration of the epoxy into the wood was required to be considered a good bond.
When making glue, you are using something to thicken the epoxy to between a ketchup and mayonnaise consistency :?: I believe that you used cotton flocks on you canoe?

"Paint" the wood with neat (unthickened) epoxy before spreading glue, then apply just enough pressure to get a little bit of glue squeezing out all the way around.

Good luck on your build :D
Last edited by TRC886 on Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CS23 - Dad's dream

Post by pee wee »

When making glue, you are using something to thicken the epoxy to a peanut butter consistency :?: I believe that you used cotton flocks on you canoe?[/quote]

A small thing, but I believe the food related texture for epoxy glue is catsup, not peanut butter. The peanut butter consistency is used for making fillets. Yum! :)

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