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I finished painting my HM19 yesterday - after 21 months of work. I have put some pictures in my Builders Gallery. When I rolled the boat out of the garage all the neighborhood kids swarmed. Here is a picture:
I modified the sides of the pilot house - making it more open. Per Jacques direction I left 3" of plywood on all sides of the opening.
Nice going, and the kids give a perspective to the size of the boat. Yes the bright details looks very special.
It looks like one of those trick pictures. How many kids are in the picture? The first time I looked I saw three, then another then another…I see 6 people on or in the boat. Am I right?
If that kid at the back can kick hard you may not need get a motor.
Fantastic! I wish I had the room and the time to build a fleet of boats. I'm glad I at least get to see what others are producing. Can't wait to see it on the water.