HB18 Seminole Wind

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HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by MichaelB »

Well we're off. We purchased the HB18 plans, received the epoxy kit, and named it the "Seminole Wind". We built a 16' table this weekend in our small 10x20 shop to build the stringers on.


Due to the size of the shop, the table will eventually be put on wheels to create a cradle to assemble the hull on. This will allow us to pull the boat in and out of the shop to work on it outside. The 8x18 hull will "just" fit in the shop. Don't know yet what i'm going to do with my shopsmith table saw, but we can hang the chop saw on the wall. Many challenges ahead.


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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by tcason »

I purchased this mobile kit for my table saw and it works great.
I park my table saw in corner of garage and wheel it out when needed and then lock casters before use.

http://www.amazon.com/HTC-HTC2000-Adjus ... ment+stand

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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by MichaelB »

Not sure that stand will work for my saw. It's a 1947 ShopSmith I restored some years back. Have the motor off now for rewinding. I used it to build our first house before I restored the saw and now it's set for a boat build.I am going to have to put wheels of some sort on it to move it around now.

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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by Southern Gent »

Best wishes on the build. I presume you are at Keesler AFB and on active duty. I have a set of Heavy duty rollers that will work for your " Cradle ". shoot me an email an I will arrange to deliver them to you on my next trip to the Pascagoula / Biloxi area. billdavis 2 ii at att dot net ( remove gaps & add @ )

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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by ks8 »

Congrats on the start :)

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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by gstanfield »

Good start so far, I'm excited to see one of these come together. Please continue with pics along the way!
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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by MichaelB »

Thanks guys, a cheering squads probably what we need most right now.
Keesler is real close, we actually live right behind the base on the VA grounds. That's why the shop is so small, but we are determined to overcome. My grown boys & I are building the HB18 together. Why is it that no one has really finished one of these? I would love to see one too for inspiration.
Our first challenge has been plywood. You would think in a region like the Gulf Coast where they actually build shrimp boats you could get some good Meranti or even DF. Oh NAE NAE,the only thing around here is 12mm DF. We can get Meranti in the sizes we need in New Orleans for the drive and 100 bucks a sheet. Or we can order from Bateau a little at a time and pay shipping. So we compromised today and bought 10 sheets of 1/2" marine DF for the stringers and the hull bottom. We figured since the bottom gets glassed we should be alright. The rest we'll have to come up with some Meranti one way or another.
Thanks Southern for the offer of the rollers, if I don't come up with another plan I may take you up on it. I don't think it will too heavy before I actually have to put it on a trailer and finish it outside. Did go to HF tonight & bought some wheels for the ShopSmith.

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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by gstanfield »

There have no doubt been quite a few built, but many builders never venture onto the forum. There are some pics of various stages of construction on here between the HB series, and I've seen a couple of complete ones floating around on the internet. I'll see what I can dig up....


http://gallery.bateau2.com/thumbnails.p ... 634&page=1
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Re: HB18 Seminole Wind

Post by ks8 »

Yes, if I remember right, I think some of those build galleries were based on other sites, and links posted here. So if you don't see many pictures in the Bateau galleries, it doesn't mean that few have been built. A good idea is to put the design name of one's build in the title or filename of at least one of the pictures, no matter what service they are based on. That will make it easier to find a gallery of the particular design, on Bateau, or on other services. :)

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