Here are 4 sheets of the 1/4" BS1088 Okoume I got from a local supplier in Medford. I bought 4 (the plans call for 3) in case I made any mistakes, and also so I would have extra for seats, breasthooks, and future builds (of course).
Here is the epoxy and other goodies picked up from our gracious hosts at Bateau. Again, extra epoxy for first timer mistakes and for future builds.
Any suggestions on ideal diameter of PVC pipe for drawing our lines on the plywood? Does anything else as readily available work as well or better?
Any suggestions on the best way to cut this wood (using circular saw)? It is so thin it bows between the saw horses more than I expected. What I am thinking of doing is getting a sheet of 1" beaver barf (whatever you call that stuff that is sawdust and glue) and doing my cutting on that on the floor. Sound good?
This weekend I will make my last purchases and plan on starting to cut wood.