OptiMystics WV13

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OptiMystics WV13

Post by dbcrx »

It´s getting a little chilly to be out paddling now (and for the next couple of months) so I´ve just placed another order. :D
Watch this space...
Last edited by dbcrx on Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WV13

Post by Cracker Larry »

Watching :D
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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

also watching - just ordered plans for WV-13 myself last week. My build will likely be slow.

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Re: WV13

Post by dbcrx »

Good luck with yours. I'm still waiting to get startedon this one. Stupidly busy at work at the moment (will update another of my old threads with more on that soon). Hopefully get started in the next month or two.
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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

I doubt I will complete mine before late this year or early next (Santa may have to bring fittings, finishing supplies and accessories), so you may well pass me at some point. I hope to get the forms done fairly soon and the hull before summer is over.

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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

I hope you don't mind, but rather than starting a new thread I figured I would post here since there isn't yet an ongoing build being documented. I have my plans and have been sourcing and planning. I plan to make a deviation that may look like a major deviation but really isn't. My layout will be largely inspired by this:


That's the Stealth Evolution 430, a 4.3 meter fishing kayak. It's about 14' long and 24" wide, so the WV-13 is about 18" shorter and 5" wider. I am planning to build the hull, deck and the frames in the tail exactly as specified. But the cockpit sole I will sculpt from styrofoam so that it will fit up under the deck opening with my butt and feet at the height specified in the plans.

My budget is a little tight and for various reasons it is more realistic for me to get parts piecemeal as I work on it rather that saving up and buying in bulk despite the potential savings.

A friend is working on a building renovation and gave me a few workstation tops, which are MDF, that I will use to build the forms. I will pick up 2 pieces of plywood the last week of June as I will be down near a supplier that has a good price on 1088 4mm meranti, which I have decided to use for the hull. I am starting with just 48 oz (32 + 16 of 2:1) of marine epoxy to join the panels. I hope to have an assembled hull with a sculpted seat by the end of the summer, frames and deck in the fall, laminating supplies under the tree at Christmas, paint and fit out in early spring and paddling through the surf when the kings and cobes show up here (NC) next year. So for those watching this spot to see one built, I am afraid mine is not going to appear quickly. I will likely do a better job if I don't rush anyway...

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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

In our last episode, I said I would be picking up 2 pieces of 4mm meranti the last week of June to start on the hull. Friday I was at the wood seller's warehouse to pick it up and the guy was having a tough time finding it because they were moving wood around to liquidate everything from one supplier because of an exclusive deal their parent company had worked out with another supplier.

So while he is looking for the meranti, I am browsing and happen across this white board of specials:


Look at that last item. I had to do a triple take. It just did not seem possible. Pinch me, I'm dreaming. :D
It was no dream. I told him to forget trying to find the $41/sheet meranti. I got all 4 sheets needed for the plan in 4mm okoume and my total price out the door was under $100. If anyone reading this is in or near NC, this is AV mill outlet in Beaufort. It's a little hole in the wall; one guy behind the counter that also drives the fork lift to go get your wood.

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Re: WV13

Post by BB Sig »

What a deal! I would have been tempted to buy a few extra sheets to keep around. I hope the rest of the yak works out this way for you. :D

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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

I thought about that. But I had already agreed to keep the hobby purchase I was planning under $100 (we were on a beach vacation and already going over budget), which is why I had been planning to just get the 2 meranti boards for $41 each to do the hull and then I was going to get 3mm okoume for frames and decks later this summer at another place I would be near for $47 a board. The plans say either 3mm or 4mm will work. I like the idea of it being all 4mm okoume better especially when I got that cheaper than the mixed species and thickness option would have been.

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Re: WV13

Post by OptiMystic »

Cut the forms.


EDIT - One of the forms is slightly crooked in the picture; I had to make a minor adjustment to one of the stringers. When I put it together to actually use it, I will line everything up exactly and secure the forms.

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