I hope you don't mind, but rather than starting a new thread I figured I would post here since there isn't yet an ongoing build being documented. I have my plans and have been sourcing and planning. I plan to make a deviation that may look like a major deviation but really isn't. My layout will be largely inspired by this:
That's the Stealth Evolution 430, a 4.3 meter fishing kayak. It's about 14' long and 24" wide, so the WV-13 is about 18" shorter and 5" wider. I am planning to build the hull, deck and the frames in the tail exactly as specified. But the cockpit sole I will sculpt from styrofoam so that it will fit up under the deck opening with my butt and feet at the height specified in the plans.
My budget is a little tight and for various reasons it is more realistic for me to get parts piecemeal as I work on it rather that saving up and buying in bulk despite the potential savings.
A friend is working on a building renovation and gave me a few workstation tops, which are MDF, that I will use to build the forms. I will pick up 2 pieces of plywood the last week of June as I will be down near a supplier that has a good price on 1088 4mm meranti, which I have decided to use for the hull. I am starting with just 48 oz (32 + 16 of 2:1) of marine epoxy to join the panels. I hope to have an assembled hull with a sculpted seat by the end of the summer, frames and deck in the fall, laminating supplies under the tree at Christmas, paint and fit out in early spring and paddling through the surf when the kings and cobes show up here (NC) next year. So for those watching this spot to see one built, I am afraid mine is not going to appear quickly. I will likely do a better job if I don't rush anyway...