Marschall DE25

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Marschall DE25

Post by kmarschall »

We've finally gotten around to creating a build thread for the DE25 we are building in Clearwater FL. It's a family team effort with a little help from Derrick Borecky. I'll try to start taking more pictures during the process than I have so far. Wer'e having fun so far!



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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by Dougster »

Wow, great shop! I love the DE25 and will sure enjoy a build thread on her. Post often if you can, and details are good. What are you thinking about for power? Got a trailer in mind yet? So many fun things to ponder :D

On board for the thread Dougster

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by Cracker Larry »

with a little help from Derrick Borecky.
I don't even get an honorable mention :?:

That is a fine shop and you've made some great progress already 8) Call me if you need me.
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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by dborecky »


I love your shop. With climate control, you will be able to build no matter the temp or weather..... You will have that thing built before I even flip my TX 18.........

I hooked Kyle up with Cracker Larry to ride shotgun on this one......

Kyle plans to use this boat for a number of things. The main purpose is to go Spearfishing. He will set it up like a dive boat with gun "holsters" and tank racks. He may even run up to 100 miles one way on this boat. I'm sure many mods will be needed to accomplish this. More fuel capacity being one of them....... I think he will need to raise the sole for the extra weight he will be carrying. The largest motor will also be a good thing with all the cargo weight and a kicker just in case at a 100 miles out. He wants to hook the fuel and steering to the kicker as well.....

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by dborecky »

double post
Last edited by dborecky on Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by kmarschall »

Cracker Larry wrote:
with a little help from Derrick Borecky.
I don't even get an honorable mention :?:

That is a fine shop and you've made some great progress already 8) Call me if you need me.
You'll get a plaque with your name on it on the boat Larry!

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by Fuzz »

At last the most Alaska friendly design on the site in my opinion :D I will be watching this like a hawk. And you have The Man for over watch so this should be good. Will you be building the long or short cabin version? I am guessing the short for your part of the world.
I just returned from a trip through Prince William Sound and a DE-25 was designed for that place. I could not think of a better fit.
Have fun and please post every picture you can.

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by Doc_Dyer »

kmarschall wrote: little help from Derrick Borecky

there I corrected your post :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink:

past due for a spearfishing trip :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
. sanded on a canoe, bought a used boat, stayed at a holiday inn last night

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by kmarschall »

Dougster wrote:Wow, great shop! I love the DE25 and will sure enjoy a build thread on her. Post often if you can, and details are good. What are you thinking about for power? Got a trailer in mind yet? So many fun things to ponder :D

On board for the thread Dougster

My grandparents own a roofing company and my grandmother let us build the boat in one of the garages. It's a perfect setup. For power we're thinking of a Yamaha F200 and for the trailer a local trailer builder, but we 'll look into that part more when we get closer to flipping the hull.
dborecky wrote:Kyle,

I love your shop. With climate control, you will be able to build no matter the temp or weather..... You will have that thing built before I even flip my TX 18.........

I hooked Kyle up with Cracker Larry to ride shotgun on this one......

Kyle plans to use this boat for a number of things. The main purpose is to go Spearfishing. He will set it up like a dive boat with gun "holsters" and tank racks. He may even run up to 100 miles one way on this boat. I'm sure many mods will be needed to accomplish this. More fuel capacity being one of them....... I think he will need to raise the sole for the extra weight he will be carrying. The largest motor will also be a good thing with all the cargo weight and a kicker just in case at a 100 miles out. He wants to hook the fuel and steering to the kicker as well.....
I don't know if we should call it a "100% dive boat". More like a boat that can take us diving when we feel like it because it's going to be a family boat used for all kinds of things. Trying to make it a boat that we can use for almost anything we do and make everyone happy. It would be cool to be able to connect the kicker to the main steering for trolling speeds. Sometimes at night I like to go offshore to use the side imaging sonar to look for new ledges to dive so using a kicker would be perfect for something like that.
Fuzz wrote:At last the most Alaska friendly design on the site in my opinion :D I will be watching this like a hawk. And you have The Man for over watch so this should be good. Will you be building the long or short cabin version? I am guessing the short for your part of the world.
I just returned from a trip through Prince William Sound and a DE-25 was designed for that place. I could not think of a better fit.
Have fun and please post every picture you can.
It's the long cockpit version. It's a balance between my parents wanting more outside space while my brother and I want a place to get out of the weather when it's not so nice.

We worked on marking up some of the stations for the mold to be cut from OSB today.



The weather hasn't been the nicest around here for the last few days...

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Re: Marschall DE25

Post by dborecky »

Doc dyer. We do need to go spearing. I have not really gone much.... Too many kids getting in the way..... The last time I went was a few months ago with Kyle for a tournament.

Kyle. Looking good!!!!! At this rate it will look like a boat in no time...

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