I took this FS14 build over for a friend/co-worker of mine, he actually started it several years ago as a project to spend some time with his teenage son, life has changed for him, he has since divorced, his son has gone away to college and he has sold his house and moving into a Condo, he called and told me if I wanted the boat it was mine for free if I get it out of his garage, finished it, and take him fishing, hell I’d take him fishing anyway, but he had the hull complete and the outside painted, ( I had to sand it off and re-paint) plus he had everything to finish it, all the wood for the interior, epoxy, glass, hardware, gas tank anchor, rope…………… How could I say no.
So here it is 5 months later, I wish I would have taken picture when I brought it to my house in the back of my truck but didn’t.
I’m sending him pictures today and asking him if he wants it back it’s his, if he doesn’t I will outfit it for the Grandkids with a small outboard and oars and begin teaching them all about boating in thier own boat.
Here she is, the Paradis! ( my friends last name and maybe the name of the boat, plus I thought it sounds cool!)

Joe H