tcason wrote:looking forward to following this - thanks for documenting
Hi tcason, I'll try to document at least key stages of the build. And thanks for the interest.
BarraMan wrote:I gotta warn you though..........a 21 footer is a BIG boat!
G'day Lee, It's just hitting me that this 21 footer is going to be a handful! An ST 21 has 10 external planking panels just to the gunwale! But hey, it's great to be building.
JoshuaAhab wrote:An ST21 workboat. Perfect. I plan to put mine through lots of abuse. I'm interested to see how you beef up yours to handle oyster chafing, etc.. Does she have a name yet?
No Name yet JA. Oyster chafing? Looking forward to it - there are no oysters at the moment, hence our project! The boat will be moored in the Noosa River just about full time, and will be used by a variety of people who will not want to muck around with rain covers etc. So the finishes will need to be from the hard knocks school of workboats, with a self bailing cockpit and no leaky sole inspection hatches a must.
Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).