ST21 'Skinnydip' build, and boating adventures, Noosa, Australia

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ST21 'Skinnydip' build, and boating adventures, Noosa, Australia

Post by glossieblack »

A friend and I have started building ST 21 as a workboat for oyster reef restoration by community volunteers in the Noosa River, Lakes and Estuary.

Oyster reefs and were once abundant in the Noosa, but were harvested to functional extinction by the early 1900s. We now need to bring back the oyster reefs to bring back fish abundance.

The jig is taking shape.


Our build will closely follow Jacques' design and specification.
Last edited by glossieblack on Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:15 am, edited 8 times in total.
Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by tcason »

looking forward to following this - thanks for documenting

This boat is on my short list after I finish my current GV14 build, my future 26 Panga build and .....................

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by BarraMan »

Go Michael!

I look forward to watching this one come together!

I gotta warn you though..........a 21 footer is a BIG boat!

How do I know? :lol:



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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by JoshuaAhab »

An ST21 workboat. Perfect. I plan to put mine through lots of abuse. I'm interested to see how you beef up yours to handle oyster chafing, etc.. Does she have a name yet?

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by glossieblack »

tcason wrote:looking forward to following this - thanks for documenting
Hi tcason, I'll try to document at least key stages of the build. And thanks for the interest.
BarraMan wrote:I gotta warn you though..........a 21 footer is a BIG boat!
G'day Lee, It's just hitting me that this 21 footer is going to be a handful! An ST 21 has 10 external planking panels just to the gunwale! But hey, it's great to be building.
JoshuaAhab wrote:An ST21 workboat. Perfect. I plan to put mine through lots of abuse. I'm interested to see how you beef up yours to handle oyster chafing, etc.. Does she have a name yet?
No Name yet JA. Oyster chafing? Looking forward to it - there are no oysters at the moment, hence our project! The boat will be moored in the Noosa River just about full time, and will be used by a variety of people who will not want to muck around with rain covers etc. So the finishes will need to be from the hard knocks school of workboats, with a self bailing cockpit and no leaky sole inspection hatches a must.
Last edited by glossieblack on Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by JoshuaAhab »

Hi Michael,

Advance apologies for the thread hijack. Marine rehabilitation is a recent interest of mine. Any links to a blog or website you can post about your specific project? This is the closest I can find with a quick Google. ... 8040481355

No name for the boat yet? How about "Noosa Pearl"? I'll keep trying...

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by jacquesmm »

Twenty years ago, there was a major rehabilatation project in the Chesapeake. Thanks to the improved oyster beds, water became much cleaner.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by glossieblack »

jacquesmm wrote:Twenty years ago, there was a major rehabilatation project in the Chesapeake. Thanks to the improved oyster beds, water became much cleaner.
Yes, restoring oyster reefs improves water quality. As importantly, it does so by converting suspended silts into fish food, as well as providing hard structure habitat for them. Clever and industrious little buggers are oysters if left to do their thing.
JoshuaAhab wrote:Hi Michael, .... Marine rehabilitation is a recent interest of mine. Any links to a blog or website you can post about your specific project? This is the closest I can find with a quick Google. ... 8040481355 . ...
You'll be able to follow the project on then clicking the campaigns tag. Our 'Bring Back the Fish' is now generating widespread support. :D

"Noosa Pearl" is now on the short list. Thanks.
Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by glossieblack »

Completed the transom mould installation, established the shaft alignment, and inserted a 10ml diameter dowel to indicate shaft position.


Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).

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Re: ST 21 Noosa Australia

Post by BarraMan »

Interesting and important project Michael! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

An extra pair of hands may come in handy to glass that big Mother!

I have experience building a BIG boat! :lol:
Last edited by BarraMan on Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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