The true beginnings of this build: ... nning.html
The hull started to take shape in Iowa. The previous Skipper (Iowa Boy Greg) and his Gilligan (OzzyC) started the build and over came many obstacles from moving to ex-wife boat blocking to just plain life. With the unexpected passing of a loving husband and a best friend, OzzyC was asked, with a heavy heart, to sell the hull to make room in the garage. I imagine this was a hard step for everyone involved. OzzyC was hoping that someone would continue on. This is where we start my part in this build:
I've been on the water most of my life. My father was highly into fishing and always had a boat to pull us on skis or to cast a line in the water. He even owned a couple of fishing lure companies. My stepdad had a Hobie-Cat that we used on Lake Jackson or down at St. George Island. Life seemed to get in the way and the boats slid out of the picture for both men. That led me to an NJROTC unit in high school that had a fleet of vessels. They still have a US Navy sailboat along with 30 or 40 other boats.
As life went on, my desire to own a boat increased. The Marine Corps, marriage, kids, divorce, rebuilding myself, college and finally another marriage seemed to always keep the dream out of range but burning brighter with every turn. I had seen an article about a man (I assume stickystuff) that built an XF20 in Florida. The article mentioned a strange company called Bateau. I ordered some samples of a material called Nidacore and I have been hooked for a couple of years on the idea of building my own boat. Luckily, the best wife in the world (just in case she ever reads this) promised me it would become a reality. That's right, a wife that encourages this crazy line of thinking!

I have been really amazed with the variety of boats Jacques has designed. I've flipped between several designs over the years with the FS18, SC16 and now the FS13 holding my interest since I have been enjoying fly fishing the last few years. I've also kicked around the idea of one of PC22/24 but was not satisfied that it could take on some of the waters around the panhandle of Florida. When OzzyC posted the GT23 for sale originally, I knew it was too high after we just bought a house so I didn't mention it too the wife. After a few months of it sitting there the price was lowered and I had to call to ensure it wasn't a mistake. OzzyC assured me that it was correct and I told him I wanted it but had to talk with the accountant (wife). We prayed about it over night and she came back and said she was okay with it. And so it begins.

The one draw back to this purchase is that I am in Florida and the boat is in Iowa. So to start off my part of this build, I now post my first picture, the trip planning stage!

I have a few ideas for completing the build but I want to get it back and measure things out before I post my ideas. One idea I will share is my proposed name of the boat, Midstream. My wife doesn't know this so it is subject to change....