Another SK14

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Another SK14

Post by Dougster »

Here goes another one :D I got some nice Okoume from Fine Lumber at Austin. First I set up two sheets end to end:

The table they sit on was from the jig that made my LB22. I cut it in half, put coasters on the two halves, and built up a table on them. Sure has been nice to have waist height work tables. Anyway, I decided to scarf the whole two ply pieces together before drawing out the panels. The plans called for 6" width 6 oz tape, but I had some left over 12 0z and used it.

Then I drew the first panel and cut it out, flipped it over and traced it's mirror image.


I clamped the panels together and went over the edges with a plane and sand paper to insure they were uniform.


Next is to repeat the process for the side panels, but I am a little confused. The nesting diagram clearly shows the side panels as not being perfectly straight on the bottom, the chine edge, but the drawing diagram doesn't seem to show the measurements for the curve.That's diagram A 317/9. It looks like the bottom of the side panels is straight, just like the bottom panel on that pic. Which is it and if it curves how do you draw it :doh I'm hoping one of you guys ahead of me on the build can clue me in.

Building again Dougster
Last edited by Dougster on Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by Cracker Larry »

Glad to see you back at it Dougster :D Not sure the answer to your question.

Just wondering. That rocking chair in the first picture, is it old? I've got 2 that look just like it, same style and color. They came from my grandmother's farm house and it's said they came from her mother, which puts them well over 100 years old.
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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by jacquesmm »

If it is the FS13, one of the side panel edges is straight. I see it straight on the nesting drawing and on the panels dimensions.

What worries me is that you say drawing A 317/9.
317 is the SK14, the FS13 is # 315.
A 317/9 is the SK14.
I know that I did send the SK14 drawing for free to some who had bought plans for the FS13 but asked for a wider boat.
Could you be mixing the 2 sets of drawings?
The SK14 side has curvature and the dimensions are shown.

Look at the title blocks of the drawings, what do they say?
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by jacquesmm »

I checked again and it looks like you are building what we call the SK14, not 13. That is design # 317.
I see the curvature.
The picture below shows that drawing. I removed some of the dimensions to show only the ones for the side we discuss.
That is part of sheet A 317/9.

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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by Dougster »

My bad Jacques, it is the SK14, I misstyped. My sheet doesn't have those bottom figures (1/2", 7/8", 1", etc.) It does have the 4 1/4" and 5 3/8" figures as well as the top ones. Its clearly "Flats Paddle Board SK14, plate dimension A number A317/9. I think I'm good to go now. You might check to see if the pdf file is missing those. Thanks for being so quick.


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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by jacquesmm »

I'll check the PDF package, it maybe a PDF printing bug.
I think I show all the dimensions there but if you need more, I"ll send you a PDF.
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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by Dougster »

I'm OK now Jacques. I just checked the original pdf file you sent on 11/9/15, and it was missing those figures too. Maybe it's already been updated. Anyway no problem, and it's been a day of good news. While we were posting back and forth the second opinion heating/air company was working on our A/C unit that was supposedly fried with locked up compressors and in need of total replacement. Just found out minutes ago the first guys had replaced the run and start capacitors but misswired them, and when this guy sorted that out, on came the compressors. No new unit :D

Cooling down in Texas Dougster

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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by Dougster »

Larry, I just noticed your post. No, the rocker isn't old. My wife bought it new about 15-20 years ago because it reminded her, sure 'nuff, of her grandmother's old rocker. How 'bout that :!:

BTW Larry, you'll know this, I've forgotten. In Jacques posted drawing, those first figures are clear, you measure up from the baseline that far. Then you measure up further for the second figure above that (which is in the plans but not on this drawing). Let's take the 7/8" figure in the middle for example. You measure up from there whatever is posted in the plans. Let's say its 10". So is that 10" past the first mark, which puts it at 10 7/8" above the drawn baseline or is just 10" up from the baseline, which would then be 9 1/8" above that first (7/8") mark. :doh: Jeez that's too wordy for such a simple thing. Maybe simpler to put it this way. Given my random 10" figure, is that the width of the panel at that point or would the width be 10" minus the 7/8" figure? I used to know but have confused myself.

Says there's nothing new about that Dougster

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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by remedy32 »

Pretty sure this same question came up in a post by BrianC on 2/23/16. Jacques provided the answer then too.

Would corrections/additions like this make it to the "plan update" tab?


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Re: Anouther SK13

Post by jacquesmm »

Dougster, we always measure from the same line. It says it on the plans: always measured from the baseline or "all dimensions from the baseline".
No need to add anything, no math, very simple.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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