Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

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Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by mjohan »

Awesome news i've got my plans thanks to the superb email postal service and the commitment from the guys at Bateau to get the plans to me. Just a word of praise Jamie you have been supper awesome!

As for the South African postal service... thanks for nothing! The guys at Bateau could have set the plans on fire and sent them to me via smoke signal and I would have received the plans before you would have ever delivered. Grrrrr...

So i've decided to try build a all aluminum GV15. I know there will be many out there who would be completely against this project but I want to ask those people to please keep the ugly for your own log and vlog's. Building a boat from any material is a huge commitment on its own without even considering all the nasty. And if aluminum appears to be failing I'll recycle the ali and switch over to wood.

I have every intention of keeping this build as detailed as possible. Frequent posts or as frequently as my build progresses. I am sure many out there know how quickly a 1 year project turns into a five year project. I'll also set up a time laps camera and post to YouTube

Not sure when the actual building will start but watch this space.

I am going to try keep to simple methods of building, methods available to most home DIY enthusiasts. So no major machinery apart from CNC cut parts. I'm not overly keen on cutting aluminum plate by hand.

Part of getting ready to CNC cut plate involves converting plans to suitable Cad formats which is a process in its own. Building from aluminum doesn't allow a huge tolerance like you'd have with wood, it's not all that easy to close a gap so once all parts have been modeled I'll computer assemble to ensure minimal clearance.

I'll be TIG welding because welding thin gauge ali with MIG is just asking for burn through. Ali spec will be 5000 series and panel thickness 3mm, deck 2mm with strategic stiffness. Various other sizes will be used and covered as the build progresses.

But for now i'll just keep converting plans to digital...
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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by tcason »

sounds cool - looking forward to watching!

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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by Jeff »

mjohan, Thanks for the nice comments regarding our group and Jamie!! Please keep us updated on your build!! Jeff

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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by mjohan »


This is my concept so far

Paint is to be a Mil-spec coating which is used in South Africa on our military vehicles

Deck covering will be a standard deck carpeting

The first hatch is to be a shallow hatch about 100mm deep suitable to hold the baits of the day and a few fishing tools. the next hatch moving backwards is to hold the bulk of baits, lures ect..

The next two hatches are for gas cooker and other randoms.

Console will have a padded cooler in the front. In the rear of the console I'll keep pfd's and other safety related stuff

Under the seat I'll keep paddles, push poles, anchors and lines

The final three rear hatches will hold removable fuel tanks and batteries.
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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by Cracker Larry »

Very cool 8) I'll be watching this! A gas cooker :!:

I went fishing with a friend a while back and there was someone in our hole when we got there, it was a big aluminum boat. We fished a while and did real good, then noticed we were smelling fried fish. The folks in the other boat were frying them as they caught them, They invited us over for a meal, dang good of them :D Probably not something I'd do in a wood and fiberglass boat.
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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium


Good morning, I am particularly interested in your build. Aluminium would be my first choice. I have plans for a 15ft Garvey from another designer which I have not started. I did however buy the plans for the GV15 and built the boat, it is almost complete and I am currently putting the bunks on the trailer so that I can load the boat. The GV15 is the perfect boat for my use which will be mostly on the Zambezi. One doesn't appreciate how much room and space there is on this boat. The deciding factor on this design for me was stability, my wife is nervous on the water and especially where we go, she is besotted with the boat now and can't wait for launch date. I think your choice of this design in Aluminium is a very good one. Good luck and please record the build, I am sure many builders would be interested.

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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by mjohan »

Cracker Larry, yip a gas cooker. Sometimes the fishing is to good to stop for lunch and other days fishing is so good we carry on through to dinner sometimes even to the next breakfast. But seriously I try spend every moment on the water even if it means taking chances with crocs and hippos.

Howzit Dave, i'm keen to see your boat. I also fish the Zambezi alot every second month or so I also hit Cahora Bassa alot to. Having said that I can see the benefit of having a ali boat not only because of the crocs and hippos but mostly all roads leading to the truly superb fishing waters are 4x4 trails. I decided on the GV15 because it reminds me of my first boat which was more stable than dry land. My next deciding factor is the hulls shallow draft, some waters are very shallow and I have no interest in getting off the boat to push when our waters are teaming with BIG crocs!
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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by BarraMan »

Hippos and crocs? 15 ft would not be big enough for me!

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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by poleposition »

BarraMan wrote:Hippos and crocs? 15 ft would not be big enough for me!
I think I would need a change of underwear if I ran into this:

Really look forward to following this---please keep the pics coming.
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Re: Garvey 15 (GV15) Aluminum / Aluminium

Post by wegcagle »

This will be really cool to watch. I also built the gv15, and agree with Dave. It is a really big, small boat. Hold's my family (5 of us) comfortably all day


GV15, D4 done! Dreaming about the next one

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