SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

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SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

Post by anamealreadyinuse »

I'm not sure if the video of the SK14 running with a 8HP Yamaha 2 stroke made it to the forum so I thought I'd share it running up the Estero River here in SW Florida. This run was with +340 lbs. gear, motor, person & full 6 gallon gas tank with beefed up construction (double taped seams, glassed inside & out etc). 17 knots at half to 3/4 throttle, maybe a knot or two more at full throttle. I love this little rig, it's wickedly skinny and agile and surprisingly easy to paddle while being lethally silent. I'd highly recommend this if you are on considering a build. My only regret is not buying the CNC cut kit Bateau offers and saved myself the time measuring and cutting (and stress). The next one I build will be with the kit, it makes it so much easier.


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Re: SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

Post by cape man »

Awesome. Have been looking for some video of one running. Looks like a LOT of fun!
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Re: SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

Post by Jeff »

Your SK14 turn-out great!! Looks like 8 HP is plenty enough for that boat!! Jeff

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Re: SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

Post by BrianC »

It looks great! How far forward can you go before the front end sinks too much? Good to see that the 8HP pushes it along pretty good - I went with a 6HP for mine. I'm hoping to get it splashed before the new year...we'll see.
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Re: SK14 with 8HP, Build It!

Post by anamealreadyinuse »

Thanks guys, it really is a neat boat. It's simplicity allows me to jump and go on a moment's notice.

The 6 HP should be perfect. If I build a second one for my wife it will have a 4HP on that one and be plenty fast.

@BrianC, I'm a BIG guy and can manage to very gently ease up to the front hatch to open it in calm water without too much trouble but in reality it's where I stow keys etc. and retrieve at the dock. I can easily walk around the boat to the edges and up to where you see the redfish toward the bow and to the rear to raise the motor with no trouble. It's remarkable how stable this little boat is.

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