The boat will be used in Bogue sound, the area inside of Bogue inlet, estuaries behind barrier islands, brackish creeks and rivers, and the Intracoastal Waterway. While the main channels in these area are 4-15’ in depth, most area outside the channels are 3’ or less. One creek that I frequent has a ~1 mile section that about one foot deep at lowish tide if you pick the optimum route. Many areas that I fish are about that same depth at low tide. While distances aren’t that great most of the time, some days I might be traveling 20-30 miles. Again, the GV15 fits the bill.
Just one picture for today - here is the strongback up on saw horses. I'll leave it at that height and use it as a cutting table for the molds and hull panels. It will then get fixed legs for the first part of the hull build and then get castors after the flip.
I'm hoping to get the hull completed & flipped before hurricane season hits so that I can tow it to safety should we get (another) one headed our way!