SK14 in TX

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SK14 in TX

Post by AggieGirl »

Well, I graduated from college in December and have been wanting to get a boat since then. I finally took the leap and bought the SK14 kit. It arrived yesterday evening and I got all the plywood pieces out today. I am hoping to make a lot of progress over the weekend.

This is my first build ever. Between these forums, lots of YouTube, and the help of a more experienced builder (my dad), I am hoping to put together a boat for duck hunting, fishing, and just exploring my area. I'm really looking forward to this project. I will post pictures along the way!

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by Fuzz »

Welcome to our little group :D
I am sure you will get any help you need. Lots of SK-14s have been built. Post pictures of each step and ask questions as needed.

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by Jeff »

Welcome to the Builders Forum AggieGirl!!! Congratulations on graduation in December!! We really look forward to watching your build of the SK14!!! Again, welcome, Jeff

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by Dougster »

Congratulations on graduation and the build project. I built one and love it. It's a fun project that ends up with a fun boat. Keep posting and many will follow along.


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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by BB Sig »

Welcome! It looks like you have a lot of tools available to you. Have fun working with you dad and post lots of pictures! :D

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by Browndog »

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on embarking on a boat building project.

It looks like you have either an American Water Spaniel or a Boykin. I’m a fan. Currently have an American Water Spaniel, the fifth one we’ve owned. Hunted a lot of ducks with them all over from Canada down to Arkansas.

Best wishes on the success of your project.

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by AggieGirl »

Here's my progress from tonight: I used a multi-tool to cut out the pieces and ended up with tabs all around the boards. After work tonight, I started cleaning up the edges of the boards and getting rid of the tabs. This took a couple of hours which is probably overkill but I am happy with the results. I probably could have done it faster using a different method but it got done! I'm going to continue with the build over the weekend!

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by OrangeQuest »

Welcome to the forum and the boat building world!
"that it isn't just an ordinary sort of boat. Sometimes it's a Boat, and sometimes it's more of an Accident. It all depends." "Depends on what?" "On whether I'm on the top of it or underneath it."
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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by BB Sig »

Make sure that you head over to the below thread to log your youthful age! You are the youngest one right now! :lol:

We are glad to have your thread going. Please keep updating it! :wink:

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Re: SK14 in TX

Post by AggieGirl »

Made some good progress over the weekend and this evening. I glued the puzzle piece joints together and laminated the transom. For the puzzle piece joints, I mixed the resin, hardener, and wood flour to around peanut butter consistency. For the laminating the transom, I didn't use as much wood flour so it would be runny and ooze out when clamped down.

Here are the puzzle pieces glued together with the wood flour mixature. I have the slow hardener which gives me lots of time to work and correct any mistakes.
puzzle pieces.jpeg
puzzle pieces 2.jpeg

Used some weights and dumbbells to weigh down the pieces. I left everything alone for 48 hours and I am happy with the results.
puzzle pieces with weights.jpeg
puzzle pieces with weights 2.jpeg

Here is the transom being laminated and clamped/weighted down. I ended up using every clamp in my garage and still wished I had a few more! Oh well, it turned out good despite wanting more clamps.
transom laminating.jpeg
transom with weights.jpeg

When I took the clamps off the transom, there was some damage to the plywood. Not sure what the issue was but I will need to do something to fix it. I have attached pictures below, advice on what to do with this would be appreciated!!
transom damage.jpeg
transom damage 2.jpeg

Tomorrow I am planning to sand any uneven surfaces and prep for stitching.

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