Combing through the plans, I've already had a number of questions and have been able to answer most digging through this forum and the tutorials. I'll have more, I'm sure. I started laying out the hull plates/nesting last night and have already made a mistake or two, but nothing is cut yet, thankfully.
Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself and take a stab at posting some pics - hopefully they show up below. In selecting the model to build, I was going back and forth between the FS14 LS and the D15 (I also gave some thought to the OB15). These pics are a floor tape mock-up I did to get a sense of scale of the two models in comparison. The "blue" is the FS and the "white" is the D15. It was very helpful to visualize the beam layout relative to how I fish, which is why I ultimately chose the FS.
Here goes nothin':