Trent's FS14 LS Build

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Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Mojosmantra »

Good Morning All - I'm new around here and am about to embark on my first build (FS14 LS). I purchased my plans about a week ago and picked up my materials from BBC on Friday and had the opportunity to meet Reid and Jeff - super nice guys and if you have the opportunity to pick your materials up locally, I highly suggest it. I toyed with the idea of having it all shipped or purchasing elsewhere and I'm glad I didn't. Reid & Jeff took the time to walk me through a few things and it was really helpful to see both Mike's (seaslug) and Reid's build - both very nice boats.

Combing through the plans, I've already had a number of questions and have been able to answer most digging through this forum and the tutorials. I'll have more, I'm sure. I started laying out the hull plates/nesting last night and have already made a mistake or two, but nothing is cut yet, thankfully.

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself and take a stab at posting some pics - hopefully they show up below. In selecting the model to build, I was going back and forth between the FS14 LS and the D15 (I also gave some thought to the OB15). These pics are a floor tape mock-up I did to get a sense of scale of the two models in comparison. The "blue" is the FS and the "white" is the D15. It was very helpful to visualize the beam layout relative to how I fish, which is why I ultimately chose the FS.

Here goes nothin':






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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by TomW1 »

First welcome to the group and thanks for deciding to post pictures up front, they will help future builders. I wish more builders did what you did laying out the boat dimensions on the ground, I have been a proponent of that for a long time. It really does let a builder see what the boats thy are deciding on see the difference in them.

Thanks for your post and have a good time building your FS.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Mojosmantra »

Thanks for the encouragement Tom.

For those familiar with the FS14 LS plans, I just finished drawing out the hull bottom and side plate. I think it went well - a little trickier than I anticipated. I have one question/confirmation that I think is likely critical since it impacts the overall length of the side plate:

Sheet B319/4 - the snippet below shows the dimensions for the stern end of the side plate. According to the nesting plan, the upper left point is the origin, which is 80-1/2" from the edge of the plywood. If I assume that the dimensions are spaced at 12" (typ) per the bottom plate diagram (but not the side plate diagram), then the dimension from the origin point is 9" - correct? I think that's correct, but don't want to make a big mistake out of the gate. In theory, at least in my head, the camber length of the outside (port/starboard) edge of the bottom plate and the bottom of the side plate should have the same length since they abut one another. I did a rough check of this and there is about an 1-1/4" difference - close, but not perfect. Any thoughts? Still haven't cut anything yet.


Finally - a question on the camber lines. For both the bottom and side plates, the points below didn't really fall on a "natural" curve and I had to muscle my drawing batten to conform to these points. Is that the correct approach - to hold the plan dimension no matter what - or to follow a more natural curve?




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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Browndog »

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your decision to build your own boat.

It will be a rewarding project that will give you a great sense of satisfaction.

I’m confident that any challenges that you face have been faced before and the members of the forum, the designer and our host are all extremely helpful. When in doubt ask. Posting pictures is also a good idea.

Looking forward to watching the progress of your project.

Best wishes for success.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by TomW1 »

Answering your questions on the drawings:

1. Yes 9" is correct
2. and 3. Yes bend to the design not an easier curve. They really should not be causing you that much problem if you have drawn the points correctly. Jacques normally draws a smooth curve. Do a double check to make sure they are in the correct place. :D That is all I can think of.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Mojosmantra »

Thanks Tom. I checked and double checked my points. I guess the good news is that, if I’m off, it will be in the “good” direction where I can trim if needed.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by VT_Jeff »

10 7/8 + 1 1/2 from the base line, not 10 7/8 from the base line. Should look like an enlargement of the plan, or else something is way off.
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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Mojosmantra »

Thanks Jeff - I've been following your build with great interest. Good stuff.

So I laid it all out in CAD (2D only) last night and the snippets below illustrate exactly what I'm experiencing with my layout.

This image shows the three bow points on the bottom plate connected by a simple arc/camber (red dashed line):


Those three points live happily together.

However, if I extend the simple arc/camber across the first five points, you can see that the point in question does not fall on the simple arc:


So, I have to conclude that these are two separate but tangent arcs. I have no doubt that the plan dimensions are correct - lot's of you guys have built this boat. I think I've probably thought about this too much and I just need to roll with it.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by VT_Jeff »

Mojosmantra wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:31 am Thanks Jeff - I've been following your build with great interest. Good stuff.

So I laid it all out in CAD (2D only) last night and the snippets below illustrate exactly what I'm experiencing with my layout.

This image shows the three bow points on the bottom plate connected by a simple arc/camber (red dashed line):


Those three points live happily together.

However, if I extend the simple arc/camber across the first five points, you can see that the point in question does not fall on the simple arc:


So, I have to conclude that these are two separate but tangent arcs. I have no doubt that the plan dimensions are correct - lot's of you guys have built this boat. I think I've probably thought about this too much and I just need to roll with it.
This is the time to overthink, so dont sweat that. What's it look like when you add that point to the arc?
There are only two seasons in Vermont: boating season, and boat-building season.

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Re: Trent's FS14 LS Build

Post by Mojosmantra »

Per the image below, in order to include the point on the arc/camber, the first three points have to be an independent arc (blue line vs. red line) - connecting to another independent arc further down the line and creating a "kink" at point 3:


It's much clearer when you draw it out in CAD and zoom in like this. It's less perceptible in the actual layout, but the "kink" is there (at the tip of the blue pen):


Here, I extend the two arcs to further illustrate what's happening:


I keep thinking back to the discussions I've read that indicate that there's a decent margin of error on these seams and gaps, which makes me less concerned - but I sure would like to get it perfect if I could.

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