FS18 on Cape Cod!

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FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by Fuzzytrout »

BBC got me. This will be my 2nd boat, I fished my SK14 hard this year and learned alot about what I really need in a boat vs what I really want in a boat :lol:

I decided to cut the plans out myself instead of going with the CNC kit. This way its my boat, mistakes and all 8O

I'm following Cracker Larrys build thread, I hope my boat comes out half as straight as his...

The beginning! Strongback built and level (the iphone level app is actually awesome), pieces cut and ready for the hull panels!
My first small batch of epoxy from BBC should be here today, so hopefully later today I'm gluing up my transom and stringers...



Figuring this build is WAY more involved, I'll probably have a thousand questions for everyone!

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by TomW1 »

Why an FS18 on Cape Cod. Where are you goining to be fishing and what are you be fishing for. Where are you launching from. To me the FS18 does not make sense for Cape Cod unless you can explain your reason for it. The bay is fairly deep and the canal is also. No islands to fish around in the bay. Well let me know.

Last edited by TomW1 on Sat Oct 30, 2021 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by Fuzz »

I love to see the virus infecting others! :lol: This looks like it will be a fun project.

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by fallguy1000 »

wondering the same thing as Tom

Probably some better options for you.
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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by VT_Jeff »

Where's he going fishing? I suspect it will be wherever the fish are. This is a guy who does laps around Martha's Vineyard in an SK14, I expect hell be taking the FS18 to the Grand Bsnks if he thinks the bite is on.

If you havent been to the cape lately, theres about an endless amount of bays and marshes to fish, an FS18 will be perfect for all that inland water, as well as chasing albies in the sound when they're blitzing.

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by PapaDave »

You will love the FS18. I have not used my SK14 since finishing the FS18 build. The boat cruises with a 20hp and I use a SUP paddle to move it while fishing with the motor up. It is a small boat, but perfect for two and luxurious running solo. Fun boat to build and fish. Enjoy the process.

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by jonnymac »

I think a few people need to open up google earth or maps in satellite view and look at cape cod and adjacent Mass again. There is tons of area both inland and along the coast a smaller boat would be better. Remember that New England rivers are shallow.

edited: for grammer

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by fallguy1000 »

jonnymac wrote: Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:08 pm I think a few people need to open up google earth or maps in satellite view and look at cape cod and adjacent Mass again. There is tons of area both inland and along the coast a smaller boat would be better. Remember that New England rivers are shallow.

edited: for grammer
It is really only conversational. The FS18 is a great boat for inshore, but limited offshore, so am more interested in hearing from OP about his fishing than anything.
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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by Fuzzytrout »

TomW1 wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:56 pm Why an FS18 on Cape Cod. Where are you goining to be fishing and what are you be fishing for. Where are you launching from. To me the FS18 does not make sense for Cape Cod unless you can explain your reason for it. The bay is fairly deep and the canal is also. No islands to fish around in the bay. Well let me know.

I have never and will never take any boat through the canal. Not necessary for the type of fishing I do. Only boats that travel through the canal are tuna or bass guys who need to get bait from one end, and then go through the canal and go fish the opposite bay....that isnt me. I plan on launching in buzzards bay, vineyard sound, Cape Cod Bay (Barnstable harbor) and chatham (stage harbor) Ive used all these launches with my SK14 without issue so far. My home launch is Waquiot Bay, because I live 5 minutes from it and can get to 75% of my fishing grounds from there. I fished literally 5-6 days all summer long launching at 530 am ;)

I will use the FS18 to fish the back bays in the spring for bass and blues, the vineyard sound rips in the spring, the brewster and barnstable flats for sight fishing to bass, as well as Monomoy island flats to sight fish for bass as well. Buzzards Bay I dont fish that much, mainly cause my cape cod side of it doesn't fish that great for bass anymore. I don't really bottom fish, just sight fishing or flyfishing for bass, blues, and albies, and maybe a real deal tuna. my fall fishing is mainly in vineyard sound chasing albies.

No islands to fish around? If you are ever up here and the wind aint bad I'll take you fishing around the Elizabeth Islands, or we can cruise over to the vineyard and fish that shoreline. Yes I'll need to pick my days, but these are all places I've already taken my SK14. My favorite spot in the Elizabeths to fish is only 12 miles from my launch. the vineyard is 4.5 miles from my launch.

I dont fish much out open in cape cod bay. This fall I chased some blitzes around sandy neck into CCB, but didnt go far.

On good days I plan to head 9-15 miles offshore off chatham to chase tuna. Yet again pick your days, watch your weather, and go out with a bigger buddy boat ;)

I need a boat that is:

number one thing. Good with a push pole and have room for a real poling platform. 90% of my fishing happens in 2-8' of calm water sight fishing.

Light enough to tow with my subaru forester, and light enough to tow around the East Coast easily. I have family in Pine Island in Florida and Charleston SC, so I'll bring the boat down there for some sight fishing with my wife and dog. We brought the SK14 to pine island last spring and LOVED IT.

Light enough to push back into the water after the tide on the flats drops 6 ft and 3" of water is 200 ft away. I regularly fish at night and anchor the boat on the flats and get out and wade fish. 2-3 hrs later I'll come back to the boat and have to push it quite a distance to the water.

Large enough to fish two people, or my wife and our dog on vacations pushing around the flats. She only likes fishing when its sight fishing so that aint a bad problem to have ;)

Small enough engine to service / maintain myself. Small enough engine to take into my house every winter, easily take off the boat etc etc.
Built in aluminum tank, Electric start, Mech steering. All will make it easier for my wife to dock and launch / start the boat solo, and also drive while we are on vacation.

rods under the gunnels, and some basic storage for some family camping...

those are my needs. FS18 is gonna be great for me. SK14 is just a little too tiny to fish with my wife and dog :)
Last edited by Fuzzytrout on Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FS18 on Cape Cod!

Post by Fuzzytrout »

fallguy1000 wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 7:39 pm wondering the same thing as Tom

Probably some better options for you.
A c19 might be next winter build after my FS18. A real offshore boat would be nice. one boat a winter for me though :help:

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