New Corsair 13 Started

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New Corsair 13 Started

Post by richwink »

Hi All!

Got my plans and materials last week and finished cutting out my parts. Ran into a couple of problems though:

1) Bill of Materials on the website and in the drawing package was short one piece of 3/8" plywood and I had to go buy another piece. Unfortunately my supplier for Okume is 300 miles from my home. From now on I will be checking the nesting drawing before buying the supplies.

2) Found a better way to cut the deck out of the 3/8 plywood. Will post that picture ASAP.

3) Cut the bottom panels different widths at the stern. One I cut 685mm and the other 658mm (*&@#$!!) Will have to insert a small piece to get them both to 685 the correct measurement.

4) Also had a hard time with the stitching of the bow but got some great advise on stitching the bottom pieces together first and then stitch to the side panel.

Check out my gallery... I am trying to keep it as detailed as possible.
Richard Winkel
CR 13

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Post by Dane_Ger »

She's looking like a boat, Richard! All of us seem to encounter small problems along the way . . . fortunately we have the forum and the experience of all those builders who have gone before us to help us through those little problems!

Good Luck with your build!

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Post by esparver »

Hi Richard,

The CR-13 is a very nice boat (it's a pity I begun with the CR11 when the planes came out). I'm looking forward to see yours stitched.

- Jordi -

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Bow Follies Continue!!

Post by richwink »


Started stitching from the stern on the sides but that never worked as it was to hard to bend the plywood at the bow one peice at a time. Ended up stitching the bottom panels together and then the bending was a lot easier. However when I was bent in place the starboard bottom panel cracked and the point on the port side panel failed. :cry:


I ended up putting in a new peice and resigned myself to alot of sanding in this area in the future.


I also put a butt block in to correct my dimension screwup in the transon area.


The crack on the starboard panel was fixed using a couple of scrap pieces of wood with screws to pull the crack in place and support it. These were glued and filleted.


Ended the day by tacking the stitches. Hope to flip the boat tomorrow and cut the stitches out. A little nervous because I don't want the panels to pop back to flat.


So far I think I have worked about 15 hours on the boat.
Richard Winkel
CR 13

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