Ordered the plans in the fall of last year. Built a model in November 04, then started researching supplies. I purchased my plywood, Okoume BS1088, locally because of the abundance of supplers, but got the fiberglass kit and other supplies from Jacques. Went with S3 epoxy because I'm familiar with it and they're located 5 miles from my house. An internal battle I've had is whether to purchase locally (because I like supporting local businesses) or from Jacques. However, he quickly won me over.
The next dilemma was where to build it. My workshop is way to small, so I thought I'd use the garage. I've had many a battle at home over this and it still continues. So, I decided (with the help of my wife) to build a bigger workshop. That effort has become a mess due to the local city government (trying to get a building permit). Well, I became very impatient and got tired of delaying this project. So I started cutting and splining the frames and panels. Over the July holiday, I build the strongback and placed the frames and panels. As you can see from the pictures, I weased my way into the garage but there are restrictions: no chemicals or sanding!
Today I started glueing the hull panel joints. Yes, it involves epoxy. Hell yes, she was pissed. I'll be ordering a portable shelter this week and move the operation to it.
Here's one of the pictures that I posted.

That's all for now.