C17 in Washington

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C17 in Washington

Post by glcost »

Here's the beginning of my build log. I actually started some time ago and moving slowly.

Ordered the plans in the fall of last year. Built a model in November 04, then started researching supplies. I purchased my plywood, Okoume BS1088, locally because of the abundance of supplers, but got the fiberglass kit and other supplies from Jacques. Went with S3 epoxy because I'm familiar with it and they're located 5 miles from my house. An internal battle I've had is whether to purchase locally (because I like supporting local businesses) or from Jacques. However, he quickly won me over.

The next dilemma was where to build it. My workshop is way to small, so I thought I'd use the garage. I've had many a battle at home over this and it still continues. So, I decided (with the help of my wife) to build a bigger workshop. That effort has become a mess due to the local city government (trying to get a building permit). Well, I became very impatient and got tired of delaying this project. So I started cutting and splining the frames and panels. Over the July holiday, I build the strongback and placed the frames and panels. As you can see from the pictures, I weased my way into the garage but there are restrictions: no chemicals or sanding!

Today I started glueing the hull panel joints. Yes, it involves epoxy. Hell yes, she was pissed. I'll be ordering a portable shelter this week and move the operation to it.

Here's one of the pictures that I posted.


That's all for now.

Last edited by glcost on Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
George C

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Post by Lackofdistinction »

Try This site for a portable shelter Teksupply.com

Bought a couple of the little carport shelters for storage some poles and a couple tarps and (whalla)

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Post by Rick »

Hey, George, let us know when you need help rolling the boat over. There are a lot of Bateau builders in the Sound area.

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Post by glcost »

Thanks I'll take a look at them.

Sure, I'll let you know. I have a nice patch of grass to do the roll.

Is anyone planning on going to the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend? It 's on the weekend of Sept 10th.
George C

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Post by Copro »

Put that strongback on wheels!! I always push mine outside to sand. That way I can share my love with the neighborhood. It only take a second for the blower to make much dust disappear. Make sure you rinse off the wifes hedges however.


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Post by fishingdan »

I agree with Copro. On wheels is the only way to go.

You can sand virtually dust free. Use decent (not the cheapest and not necessarily the best) power sanders with dust collection ports. Attach the ports to a good shop vac with the appropriate dust filter. Clean the filter regularly.

Also wear ear protection. Shop vac + power tool inside a garage is loud enough to cause damage.

After a year long building effort, I had more dust from mixing fillers than I had from sanding.

The boat looks great. Keep up the good work!


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Post by glcost »

Yeah, I have a set of casters sitting on my workbench which will go on tonight. Wanted to get the hull joints glued first before moving around. Plan to roll the hull out into the driveway to do any sanding or fiberglassing.

There's already a hint that fall in coming. I can feel a coolness in the day air so the rain will be here soon enough. I'll need a temperary shelter to get any work done at that point.
George C

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Post by WobblyLegs »

Hi George,

It's nice to see another progress log of the C17 running.

It looks like you're progressing a bit quicker than I have been - what I wouldn't do to have an indoor work area. And it took me the whole of last winter to persuade SWMBO to allow me to build in (an destroy?) her garden... :roll:

Anyway, I'll be following with interest.

Best of luck.


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Post by glcost »

This weekend I applied fiberglass tape to the keel, chine and transom hull joints. Since it was a pleasant 60-something degrees (F) and mostly sunny outside, the taping and wet-out went fairly smooth. I was using medium hardener so there was plenty of time before the epoxy started to kick allowing a relaxed work pace.

Ahead of time, I built a long, narrow, open box from plywood, 4' x 7", for wetting out the tape before applying to the hull. This worked quite well.

After applying the tape, I overlay 3mil plastic to help smooth the seams. I had a few spots where the fiberglass kept lifting on an edge and I found the plastic really help at hold it down.

After starting this log, I always wanted to go back and briefly explain the building of the strongback and hull panels, so I'm throwing it in at this point.

I pretty much followed the building notes to make the strongback. I built the base from 2x8’s – 18 feet long by about 32â€
Last edited by glcost on Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
George C

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Post by WobblyLegs »

Looking very nice, George.

You have a good looking (half) hull there - you must be feeling very pleased with yourself at this stage - I know I was.


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